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in the next patch

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in the next patch can you provide a function that can completely filter out dayz without filteren out anything else only dayz i am tired of having to go through 1000's of dayz servers just to find a non dayz server

in my opinion the dayz has gotton out control and for us who enjoy good old domination or any other arma 2 mission is almost impossible and many of the once good servers are now passworded to keep out dayz plyers with their scripts and cheats

i think we need a solution for this

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I believe that has already been done and available in the beta patches if I am not mistaken. I haven't looked but if you search the forums you will probably find the answer.

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i did a search but couldent find anything right now i am running the newest beta but theres no such function

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Hmm, maybe I read it was going to be in v1.63 or something. I know I read about it somewhere and it was either in a beta or coming real soon. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

In the interim I am searching for specific missions like Insurgency or Patrol Ops or something like that but still need this resolved so that one can look at all missions being played (other than DayZ)!!!! :)

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It's already done. If you have DayZ disabled, you won't see DayZ servers in the browser. Latest beta, works for me!

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great to know!!! it's kinda annoying to wait for all the dayz server refresh when I just wanna play domi

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I just hope it doesn't make its way into A3. It's basically it's own game, as it should be. LOL just looked at the co server list, filtered for minimum 1 player, ALL dayz; literally. Sure, it hasn't effected the mil sim side of Arma at all...

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