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I finally found that dang invisible carrier!!!!

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So i dont know if anyone else has this issue but sometimes my islands are being taking over when in reality there is no enemy's to kill. I did a full sweep of the island yet it still tells me that my island is being overrun. It must be the evil invisible carrier! Well I finally found that dam carrier!

http://oi47.tinypic.com/288r3hj.jpg (696 kB)

lol random funny picture but the issue of the island is true.

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Yeah, that is the island of Vulcan. I have seen parts of the enemy carrier there as well, a little bit more was visible for me than for you but looks like it is in the exact same location.

So this is likely some graphical objects that shouldn't be there. Likely connected to the island itself rather than a stuck and bugged enemy.

I have reported it as bug in the bug tracker a while ago. www.carriercommand.com/feedback

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Ha, I saw the exact same thing there the other day, but I went back later and it had gone, so I assumed it was just a glitch in my game.

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