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Take On Helicopters Beta Patch 97057

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Thanks, seems to work, I can host without error message. We will test Rearmed in MP asap.

And just a remark for everyone who wants ArmA Content + new Beta:

-mod and -beta Commandline disables Rearmed-Content, but you can enable it in two simple steps:

1: Load Take On without beta loaded (but installed) and tick "beta" under expansions.

2: Close Take On and start beta-shortcut without -beta= and/or -mod= command.

Now you have Take On Beta 97057 with ArmA2 Content :yay:

Edit: Scruffys said, he simply removed "-beta=" from shortcut and got the same result, even with "beta"-expansion enabled... <- the one step solution

Edited by NeoArmageddon

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I removed "-mod=Beta" to be exact ;)

It works great, thanks for the fix. First fresh impression:


Another tip: If you got ACR full in Arma 2 also install ACR lite if you want to use the blurred versions in Take On

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Thank you for the continuous updates.

But can I make a request. Can we have a 1:1 ratio in cockpit view. As of now the world outside cockpit view seems too small when I'm flying up close to buildings.


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DnA, I don't know if you're still reading this, but I've almost entirely stopped playing Take on Helicopters after 1.06. I used to play every couple days or at the very least every weekend, but now I just haven't touched it at all. I hadn't really thought about it, but basically the reason I stopped playing is because I primarily did multiplayer with a friend and ever since 1.06 my framerate is horrible in multiplayer.

I can play singleplayer and my framerate is fine regardless of the map, but since 1.06 only in multiplayer my framerate dips down into unplayable territory. I mean it's playable...ish, but basically reduces it to the point where it's not really enjoyable (15-20fps). It's a shame, because y'all made so many performance improvements that I can crank the settings up and things look amazing, but now for netcode/gameplay code reasons the performance is significantly reduced only in multiplayer even if I lower the settings. I'm always the server, so I don't know if this also applies to being the client. There's nothing at all particularly crazy that I'm doing in multiplayer, sometimes it's literally just 2 PMC soldiers and 2 helicopters with nothing else on the map just to fly around together, though we have done more complicated missions.

Just hope y'all are aware of this and consider doing some profiling to see where the problem is, assuming you can reproduce it. I couldn't provide this feedback on the beta patches before the release made it out, because the multiplayer wasn't working at all for me. Multiplayer may not be a very high priority for y'all as I don't get the impression that the multiplayer is roaring with activity, but since I hear that DayZ standalone may be using ToH as a base that this may get addressed sooner rather than later.

Thanks for everything y'all do, because ToH is by far the closest thing to my dream helicopter game!

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Has anyone else made similar experiences?

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