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Gen. Shaffer

New player, several questions:

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All right, so I'm a new player, just starting to get into the amazingness that is ARMA. I've got Arma 2 free, and as soon as I get some cash, I'm going to be upgrading that. I've already got the original edition, and now I'm starting to take a look at making my own missions. However, as I've poked around here and the larger web, I've come up with several questions I'd like to ask the community at large. As I am a new player, I know my posts may not carry as much weight as some of the veterans of this site--that is to be expected. However, I do hope that someone will take pity on this newbie :P and at least offer me some pointers in the egregious error of my ways. LOL Okay, now on to the questions:

1) What is this "Warfare" mode I keep hearing so much about? I've read the manual, found here, but that is even a step ahead of where I am at this point. What -is- Warfare, and how does it work? From what I understand, it's an MP combat mode in which the objective, in a nutshell, is the entire island, and you cap it by any means necessary, right? What I want to know is do you have to find "60 of your closest friends" :P to properly play this mode, or could me and 3 buddies get together on a weekend and throw this together over a LAN hub? If so, how do we do this? I tried poking around in ARMA, and didn't see the mode. Is it something you have to code for when you're making a mission in the mission editor? And if so how do you do that?

2) Is it possible to create a mission simply by using boolean variables? If, Then, Else, And, Or, Not? Naturally, search didn't turn up all that much on this as these are some of the most common words in the English language :P I don't really have time to get in-depth on scripting, but I know some basic stuff already, and I was wondering if that could be generically applied here, or would everything appear too stilted? I'm okay with some woodenness, this is a game after all, but I want to know if using booleans will simply create a repetitive scenario or if I can tweak waypoint radii and spawn probabilities and the like to add some dynamism?

3) Is there an easy way to place people inside buildings/carriers without having to manually manipulate their xyz coordinates?

4) What do you recommend I get to make my AI not just drop where they are and fire prone in a firefight? I've checked here, and there are a lot of good mods, but I'm not really 100% sure which one is the "best", and/or which ones are a) compatible with one another, or b) compatible with ARMA 1.

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Hello Mr. Gen. Shaffer and Welcome to BIS forums!

To Answer some of your questions:

1. I think this page explains Warfare pretty well http://www.armedassault.com/warfare.html

this is for Arma2 but this is more in detail: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Warfare_2_Manual

What I want to know is do you have to find "60 of your closest friends" :P to properly play this mode, or could me and 3 buddies get together on a weekend and throw this together over a LAN hub? If so, how do we do this? I tried poking around in ARMA, and didn't see the mode. Is it something you have to code for when you're making a mission in the mission editor? And if so how do you do that?

Warfare is basically a mission, I had onyl played it a few times but basically you can play it on your own, just go to multiplayer on the menu, host a game, pick the island that warfare is on, most

likely Sahrani and then choose Warfare, once it load, pick your role, then enter the game and have at it.

If you did want to play with friends then basically someone would have to host the mission basically using the same method as above like when you want to play solo.

2. For your second question, cant help you there, scripting isn't my expertise, so someone else on the forums here would be able to answer that for you.

3) Is there an easy way to place people inside buildings/carriers without having to manually manipulate their xyz coordinates?

I'm sure there is but another method is a script for placing enemies using this script: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15241

4) What do you recommend I get to make my AI not just drop where they are and fire prone in a firefight? I've checked here, and there are a lot of good mods,

but I'm not really 100% sure which one is the "best", and/or which ones are a) compatible with one another, or b) compatible with ARMA 1.

Haha so you may have seen that long list of AI mods i posted there, heres a better compilation of everything in the community AI Compilation List of Addons/Mods/Scripts & Misc .

Things is that page is for Arma2, and Arma2OA/CO addons,mods, ect,.

What i would recommend is the compilation mod I had built for Arma1 called WarMod,

it has 130 addons and mods that deal with AI enhancement, gameplay, fixes, and many other things.

For the AI aspect of the mod it has SLX, GL3, and ECP (Enhanced Configuration project), those 3 mods alone within WarMod make the game well... Ausome as hell!!

I wont go any further on my mod but I'd say at least to me those 3 mods are the best for AI for Arma, if you have further questions about WarMod then use my WarMod thread or Pm me.

Hope that helps, any further questions in general I'll be happy to help where I can.

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I too recomend WARMOD. No need to have any other addon for enhancing gameplay... there are alot of more advanced features in war mod and many different things to look at. but stright off the bat Warmod Rocks even if you dont want to fool around with all the GL3 Eventhandlers etc....

Also go check out the community over at http://www.ofpec.com/forum/

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Hey there Gen. Shaffer,

according to your editing question. and bolean conditions...yes, it is not only possible. The editor somehow is based on bolean logic. The scripts are but far more advanced, yout the editor provides easy to use manageable systems to create missions that are founding on those logical conditions.

To learn more about that I recommend you to get the english ArmA2 Editing guide by Mr-Murray. Simply check my signature.

If any further questions appear, dont hazitate to ask in the proper forum, people will help you there.



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