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Is it possible to implement food/water system from DayZ in custom missions?

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I couldn't find anything about this. I'm interested in making a "survival" type of mission using the food/water system from DayZ. Is there any way to do this?

Thanks for your help!!!

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While it is possible to pull stuff out of dayZ I think Rocket does not allow/authorize 3rd party use/dev of DayZ. Though I could be wrong.

But to be honest, the work involved in pulling out a system, form something like Dayz/Domi/Insurg, you can pretty much roll your own in the same amount of time.

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There's nothing complex about the food and water system. Just timed scripts that kill you eventually, plus consumables.

Unless you're talking about the food items themselves, with spawns and icons and models and textures.

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It would be fine when there were medipacks, food portions and water flasks (just one kind each; they also may be 'military', not Pepsi & Coke or such) in the vanilla game - and the inbuild possibility to consume them. And maybe a script-command that defines whether medipacks can be applied by medics only or by everyone. A unit does not need to become hungry and thirsty then by default, it might be done by custom scripting.

But I don't think that they'll implement this into Arma II now anymore...

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Scripting a consumable takes like five minutes, I'm pretty sure. There's no need for BI to build anything into the engine. It's been modded six ways to Sunday already.

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Hey there,

How about some examples of

Scripting a consumable

Ive researched these forums and google searched and cant seam to find any.



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Cipher has consumable medkits that are virtual items, while ACE uses bandages and medical drugs that take up inventory slots and disappear when used. Try looking through those PBOs.

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Over 90% of the servers run DayZ. No offense to the creators, but if I wanted to play a Zombie game, I wouldn't buy Arma 2. I guess the words "Tactical Realism" go right out the window the moment somebody installs DayZ. I've seen a few youtube clips of DayZ to know that I definitely do not have any interest in playing it.

When I come to these editing forums to read and learn stuff about scripting editing, I honestly do not want to see a bunch of threads about scripting for DayZ, since things like money and food have nothing to do with Arma 2 or Arrowhead - and it just looks rediculous to me in this section of the forums. Maybe one of the admins could please create a new section for DayZ, so the people out there that still consider Arma 2 to be a realism game don't have to stumble across completely irrelevant threads in the "ARMA 2 & Operation Arrowhead - EDITING" section.

Just a thought. Thanks you.

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I couldn't find anything about this. I'm interested in making a "survival" type of mission using the food/water system from DayZ. Is there any way to do this?

Thanks for your help!!!

Let me know if you find something like this because i am making a "survival mission" too and using food/water would make it super realistic!


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While it is possible to pull stuff out of dayZ I think Rocket does not allow/authorize 3rd party use/dev of DayZ. Though I could be wrong.

He got most his stuff from public sources and other mods so thats not a valid excuse. Dayz is just a rip from other mods so lets not pretend its not.

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Let me know if you find something like this because i am making a "survival mission" too and using food/water would make it super realistic!


Same here, looking for good script example with food and water.I know how modify one but not write from scratch.

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Over 90% of the servers run DayZ. No offense to the creators, but if I wanted to play a Zombie game, I wouldn't buy Arma 2. I guess the words "Tactical Realism" go right out the window the moment somebody installs DayZ. I've seen a few youtube clips of DayZ to know that I definitely do not have any interest in playing it.

When I come to these editing forums to read and learn stuff about scripting editing, I honestly do not want to see a bunch of threads about scripting for DayZ, since things like money and food have nothing to do with Arma 2 or Arrowhead - and it just looks rediculous to me in this section of the forums. Maybe one of the admins could please create a new section for DayZ, so the people out there that still consider Arma 2 to be a realism game don't have to stumble across completely irrelevant threads in the "ARMA 2 & Operation Arrowhead - EDITING" section.

Just a thought. Thanks you.

While I agree somewhat with what you are expressing, DayZ is still a MOD for Arma 2. It uses the same game engine, scripting commands, etc the rest of us use.

I don't know how many people with "knowledge" would be looking through a separate forum topic for just DayZ editing/scripting...

Plus, you never know out of all this "fresh blood" who'll be the next Mandoble, Spooner, Hoz, or even Rocket! (no offense to those I left off who feel they should be included here) :D

I think I've even seen some posts about new players starting with DayZ, but end up preferring the realistic military sim part of Arma 2.

One thing I would like, is that each of these "newbies", whether they be DayZ or Arma 2, attempt to find some of this stuff on their own instead of just asking "how do I do this".

I think society as a whole is becoming accustomed to IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION. Not so much the work involved to figure it out on your own, or with a little help.

If you're interested in a food/water system, use the search in these forums, google, or look at the bottom of this page! It has links to similar requests...

Edited by panther42

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Kronsky did have a SP version out there, if you do some searching you can find the 1.60 version of DayZ, and using Kron's 1.60 version you can play singleplayer DayZ. It wouldn't be easy though. I've tried going through the PBO's looking at how to strip all of Rocket's bullshit from the mod and it's not going well. I don't plan on releasing any of my changes to the public obviously, but for my own use I'd like to be able to spawn as a Marine, and to actually be able to have a group of AI under me. Seems to be proving very difficult to find where in the code he's forcing people to play as survivors. Probably in the configs but I have no idea how to open or edit those.

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Scripting a consumable takes like five minutes, I'm pretty sure.


I honestly think that's very naive at least, something as complex/bug free/feature complete as DayZ one, I'm sure it ain't possible in such a small work time.

Although, if you ask me, I totally agree with you when you say make one yourself, just start simple and proceed from there.

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I honestly think that's very naive at least, something as complex/bug free/feature complete as DayZ one, I'm sure it ain't possible in such a small work time.

I mean like the medkits in Cipher. It's just an action menu option to heal yourself, and it has a cooldown.

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I am looking for a script that does this but this forum was useless its all just complaints you guys should try and do stuff independantly i have and its all crap that rocket has piled up and his script if put into a cutom game, doesnt work.

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