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Trying to make civvies cheer.

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Its probably just under my nose but does anyone know the animation/action to make civvies cheer or dance? I cant seem to find the page on bi wiki that would tell me that.

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Here is the list of moves in ArmA2. Nothing labeled cheer or wave really though. In the wartorn region of Takistan civvies have little to cheer about. :P

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Yes, use the Animation Viewer by Clayman. There are lots of those cheering animations, with the tool you should find them in 5-10 minutes.

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Because it would just be easier if this thread had an answer when Googling, here are some of the animations I pulled out of the viewer...turns out they ARE in the moves list, but they're not really specified clearly.


Various cheering and clapping moves, that only seem to work with switchMove, not playMove.

Cheers :cool:

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Switchmove executes instantly, playmove provides a rather smooth transition from idle stance to animation, but may not work with some animations.

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