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mikie boy


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Definitely is not commented out on my screen. But that's probably me having messed about with it. :cool:

Well, sorry about leading you on the wrong trail then.

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no worries dude - will at some update the script make it a bit more user friendly

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bit of a noob here, can you explain the game logic and function.

game logic in middle of map called "centre"

i believe i've done that right.... shows as a flag, side: game logic, name: centre, class: object or location?

and more importantly the "function module" not sure how to set that up or what goes where.

cheers :yay:

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Game logic Centre is placed in middle of map - it is a location game logic - but really doesnt matter

function module - simply click on modules - then scroll down on to functions module - and place it anywhere.

Thats all you need to place to get it working

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Game logic Centre is placed in middle of map - it is a location game logic - but really doesnt matter

function module - simply click on modules - then scroll down on to functions module - and place it anywhere.

Thats all you need to place to get it working

ah, location game logic, i had it as object.

but other than that i don't need to fill out any of the code sections in them?

because even after changing to object it still will not place any ied's on the map. i feel as if i'm missing something simple...

screen image..



Edited by EZJack

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Hi Mikie Boy,

I have seen your suicide Bombers script page 2 i think , but is there a way instead of placing units to auto creat them on the fly i.e once 1 is dead it will spawn another in a new location ?

As i do not want to preplace them.


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EZ jack - send me your mission and ill see what i can do - it is fairly simlpe so not sure why its not working. ensure you have the script called in the init.sqf. oh and just checking you have the downloaded version from the link armaholics and not ripped from MOST WANTED as i know you guys play that mission. in the mission it is set up differently

psvialli - you will have to add an event handler "killed" to each one. look in the iedfactory script for how they are created on the fly. if you have problems - ill see if i can do it for you next week (busy this week). I will get round to finishing the suicide bomber script as a proper script package.

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EZ jack - send me your mission and ill see what i can do - it is fairly simlpe so not sure why its not working. ensure you have the script called in the init.sqf. oh and just checking you have the downloaded version from the link armaholics and not ripped from MOST WANTED as i know you guys play that mission. in the mission it is set up differently.

here's the pbo for zargabad which is the simplest of all 3. i hope that's okay. i have this same problem on all 3 maps, zargabad, takistan, and fallujah.

and yes it was strait from the armaholic download.


thanks for your help.

maybe see you on your server sometime this weekend, E-Z would love some folks to play with since we are a very small group.

Edited by EZJack

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EZJACK - yeah hopefully ill be able to get it up and running for you -

Welcome on our server anytime - will have it up and running over the weekend -


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well mine is heavily edited, custom FOB's, objects on map, ect. i've put quite some work into it so i'd love to have it working on ours.

but i'll take a look at the one you posted. maybe i can port the proper IED logics and what not over just how you have placed them...

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just an update,

we have the [FOCK]ers IED and suicide bombers working, including a custom E-Z suicide car script working on our insurgency server.

apparently my old suicide car script was somehow interfering with your IED script. but all is well now and works like a charm!


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I am sorry to resurrect this old topic but i recently started doing missions and used this script here to have ambient-suicide bombers.They do kinda work,it`s about 5 in 100 civilians that spawn (which isn`t enough for my purpose).The problem i am facing here is,that the Suicide guys do not yell anything when i test this on a dedicated server.They just run to you,stay quite and explode.Did i miss anything?

I hope someone can help me on this

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This should work on Dedicated servers - i never tested it on a hosted server, does it work on hosted? it uses the MP framework to send the message to everyone to run the say3d command. So BIS may have changed the say3d command, or the MPfamework is not working.

[nil,nil,rEXECVM,"Fock_bombcry.sqf",[_bomber,_target]] call RE;

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thanks a lot,it magically start to work.they yell right before they blow up,perfect.I am at the next problem now though,the designated bombers (you can tell it`s them,they wear that vest) don`t really move.

All they do is stand around or flee if you aim at them too long.I would like to have them blend more into the other civillians.

Will handcuffing them prevent the bombers from blowing up btw?

please excuse my bugging and silly-question-asking,i`m new to the ArmA 2 scripting and a lot of people seem to have moved on to ArmA 3

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no problem - ive been away from Arma for a year any how, scripting is all the same - commands are fairly similar - Arma 3 has new ones to match the new engine - thats about it. Look at my scripting guide, will carry you through Arma 2 just the same.

As for this IED script, not sure what will happen with the Animation state if you hand cuff them.

You can change the type of character that spawns so they don't always look the same.

You could use the tutorial in the scripting guide to make those bombers just roam around an area whilst they are waiting for you... would just be a call to a script which you can then terminate on seeing Target.

I would help you move, but im studying at mo for exams and just havent got the time, sorry.

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Thanks a lot for the Intel,i will study your guide and see if i can get the Bombers to do what i want with them.No worries about your time,Reallife first.I might bug you via PM tho,i can wait for the answers until you got the time

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