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mikie boy


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Chaps - A cheap and cheerful IED system - taken from [FOCK]ers Most wanted.

Only needs a game logic in centre of map called "centre", and a function module. Copy the line from the init.sqf to your init.sqf and thats it.

The script creates a load of IEDs along and to the side of roads - all of which are near towns, cities etc.

You can change the amount you want to spawn in FOCK_iedinit.sqf -

You can disarm the IEDs - disarm enough and you can discover the IED making factory. Continual process

When you disarm an IED another is created elsewhere on the map.

Engineers can disarm quicker.


iedid = [this] execVM "FOCK_ied\Fock_iedveh.sqf";

in the init of any vehicle and it acts as a detection system (activation on entry to vehicle).

It will tell you within 40 metres or so away if there is an IED near by - Slower you driver the better.

Example mission provided :)

files for missions - https://dl.dropbox.com/u/17725328/Focker_Scripts/%5BFOCK%5Ders%20IED.rar

Example Mission - https://dl.dropbox.com/u/17725328/Focker_Scripts/%5BFOCK%5D_IED.Zargabad.pbo

Any probs - let me know - otherwise Enjoy :)

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I looked at the scripts and noticed that only west side can trigger an IED.

So Un and PMC forces won't activate them...

Perhaps just change line 19 of fock_road_ied.sqf:

if (side _x == WEST && isPlayer _x) then 


 if (side _x !=EAST && isPlayer _x) then

Edited by fleepee

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Hi Mikie, tyvm for your efforts

Question- Its seems as tho most everything is working with the exception of one item. If I run over the ied with a vehicle or walk/jump on or shoot at it, the ied doesn't detonate. Is it supposed to? I was playing the "west" in said mission.

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Sorry for delay in reply - work duties and all.

Fleepee - yeah spot on, i should have mentioned that - the IED are set in Most wanted as West only devices - that line would do the trick if any body is using independent.

ht-57 - they are on a time delay - within a certain amount of time they will go off - so if you drive past them they may go off at close rang or when you have driven past, and then the vehicle behind gets it. They were designed so that you had time to disarm them if you saw them from a distance - i did not add any other means of removal i.e shooting or blowing up remotely due to the IED factory script.

If however you are saying they do not work at all, then something is missing. I did check the mission a day before 1.62 came out - but cant imagine that changed anything. PM me anytime of you are having probs. If anyone is actually using this and finds it useful, am happy to upgrade it to include whatever people require from it - Got time to kill :)

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Cool script! I put in my latest mission and getting intermittent (maybe 1 out of 5) error on start up. line 32 Fock_iedinit.sqf

_ied = _iedrandom createVehicle (getpos _iedplace);

Undefined variable ; _iedplace

Maybe some conflict with other things I have running. I'll do more testing. didn't know if anyone else has seen it.


Okay, seems I need to increase _distanceaway value. :)

Edited by smacker909

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No real issues its just because it cannot find enough places to put the ieds - perhaps reduce the amount from 100 to 75 - and see if it goes away - 100 was designed fro takistan and chenarus. that 1 out of 5 errors is 1 out of 5 ieds not being placed most likely :) so no big issue

Let me know - glad you r enjoying

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Thanks for the info... I'll make the adjustment. The script is incorporating nicely into my current mission :) Thanks again!

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I have [FOCK]ers Suicide Bombers here as well if you want it :)

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what i use to create a unit - you can unhighlight this line in the fock_iedfactory.sqf (ied scripts)- so you can use the suicide bombers in that.

in any case - i create a unit with the following

       _grp = createGroup Civilian;
	   _unit = _grp createUnit ["TK_INS_Soldier_AA_EP1", getposATL [color="#FF0000"]WHATEVER[/color], [], 25, "NONE"];
	   removeallweapons _unit;
	   _unit setBehaviour "CARELESS";
	  [_unit] execVM "Fock_SBomb\Fock_suicideASAP.sqf";
	  _grp allowFleeing 0;

then add this line and thats it -

[_unit] execVM "Fock_SBomb\Fock_suicideASAP.sqf";

dude will stand around scanning - once it find the US soldier (you can change this like you can change it for the ieds) he will walk towards the solider - when hes a certain distance away he will the run towards the soldier or car or truck, scream some crap and then explode. he will continue to chase you in whatever direction. you can run away and if you get away far enough he will disengage and hopefully start scanning again.

If you time it right you can shoot him before he triggers the bomb - if you kill him then you should find an ied.

TADA - lol.

Any probs - let me know

oh - installation of description file - copy the one line to your description folder and if you already have a sound folder just copy the lines from the config over :)

download - https://dl.dropbox.com/u/17725328/Focker_Scripts/Fock_SBomb.rar

Edited by Mikie boy

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I have [FOCK]ers Suicide Bombers here as well if you want it :)


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Hi Mikey, I have everything working with the IED script, except for some reason, none explode.. ever. Looking at the Fock_road_ied.sqf .. I'm WEST and in a landvehicle when I'm close .. but never trigger them. Any ideas what I should look for?

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Make sure u have functions module down. do u have any mods running?

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Hi Mikie, I have functions module down and testing without Mods. I only changed what I thought I needed to incorporate the script into my mission here . Mostly deal with scoring and providing intel, but I might have screwed something :( I will keep digging.

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been busy this week - if i get a chance i will add it myself and see if it works. you could try seeing if (isserver) line can be removed when they are placed. do the ieds show up in the game? or is it they are there but do not detect you?

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Hi Mikie, Tried the isserver setting with no joy. Seems like nothing is in the array after calling Fock_road_ied.sqf?

_searchtarget = nearestobjects [_ied,["CAManBase","LandVehicle"],20];

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ah right - sorry havent had a chance to test it - in that case try changing CAManBase to man; what units are you using this with?

also make sure you have kept the fock_ied folder in the main mission folder - same one as the init.sqf. other wise it cant find it in the initiation script.

have you got -showscripterrors turned on? (if you dont know you add it to the short cut of the arma 2 icon)

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I'm using U.S Army for WEST units. I'll try the change you suggested. I have kept the files in the original folder. All seems to work except the detonation. I do have -showscripterrors running and not getting any errors. Thanks!

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tried your mission - removed the if (isserver) from fock_iedinit.sqf

works fine :)

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Cool.. thanks Mike, I did try that, but didn't get any explosions.. maybe I didn't test enough though. If I park my HMVV on top of one.. wait for 20 seconds or so.. It should explode, correct?

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If I park my HMVV on top of one.. wait for 20 seconds or so.. It should explode, correct?

Hopefully not! You monster! :)

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