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A thread about dreams...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Assault (CAN) @ June 24 2002,08:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Do you ever dream that you are tripping over something, feel a falling sensation, than wake up to your legs twitching from your 'trip'? That always freaks me out.<span id='postcolor'>

Sometimes I fall in dreams and usally its a long fall leaving my gut where I came from and landing hard on my legs. But sometimes I wake up after that and am unable to move my legs for a while, some pain there too.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (R. Gerschwarzenge @ June 24 2002,12:59)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (pathfinder @ June 24 2002,13:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">When deja vu  happens to me I can sometimes remeber the night that I originally dreamt whats happening, and then I strain to remember whats going to happen next but I fail.<span id='postcolor'>

I have couple of times succeeded "remembering" what happens next. I remember when I was in a café having something to eat and I suddenly got this Deja Vu feeling. Then I suddenly thought to myself that hey, I know what happens next; somebody drops something in the kitchen and it's going to make a loud noise. Then I wait for a second and *bang*, something big and metallic falls on the floor in the kitchen. Weird, huh?  confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I get this in real life confused.gif or something. Maybe in a dream or something. I always remeber being in a situation and then when I'm there again I stop and think... I done this before and I look around puzzled. Like I remember being with someone and what they say before it has even happened. Has not happened recently.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">One of the things that can give away your dreaming is actually when u think you are drowning and you hold your breath (you are actually also holding your breath in real-life when u try to do it in ya dream), but when u get to a point where u cant hold it anymore, u HAVE to take a breath... and that is where u find out that u can breath below water.... ie. its a dream <span id='postcolor'>

I had this before too. Also someone said that if you ask yourself if it is real then its a dream. I almost always ask myself that in a dream. Usually glad to wake up finding that its all a dream.

The last dream I had I was actually applying for a damn job biggrin.gif some pretty crappy dream, but I guess it fits in with my current situation.

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Hard, I think when that happens and you can't move your legs it could be a few things.  You can be so tired, you can't move.  Since you aren't fully awake yet, this has happened to me.  Or sleep pyralisis. (sorry for spelling)  Its when you wake up and you are scared, feel pain, and you cant move.  This is what is realted to UFO abdutcions. (they all report the same symptoms of sleep pyralisis).  Or you could infact still be dreaming.  Like being half asleep, the pain isn't real, but you can't move cause you are still asleep.  I've had all this except sleep pyralisis.

I've had the best dreams, but at the price of having the worst nightmares. grrrr

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I doubt its from being tired smile.gif but yeah I have read and seen that it can be something to do with abductions. sometimes I can just be in bed not asleep or when I have woken up and my top half turns over but my legs don't causing extreme pain and immoblity in my lower half. Does not happen much but it has many times. Also had chest pain that feels like a bullet in the left rib near the heart. Oh well biggrin.gif I don't get shot much in dreams either.

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I have lots of good dreams, but lots of nightmares too.

The dreams are usually about being with my girlfriend, and i have them usually when i'm actually sleeping with her biggrin.gif

When i was a little kid i had lot's of nightmares about falling (and that's strange because i don't fear heights, i love climbing rocks and trees), but nowadays i usually have nightmares about buying the farm at war, or being a hostage or things like that. Usually i'm alone, in an unknown city, hearing gunfire and explosions from far away, and i advance through the city. Most times the enemy finds me and i start shooting at them while trying to escape, but i get surrounded (it always takes place in a city that i don't know, but it looks like the palestine cities i see on tv) by the enemy and they kill me. I don't know why, but always have the same gun (H&K G3). Other times i'm just in my city at night (alone too), and try to escape from some guys who are following me. In the ones at war i often get killed, but in the ones in my city i escape (but they scare the hell out of me, i get up sweating a lot). I don't really know how much time they last until i get killed or escape, but it feels like hours.

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Lucid works! Last night I was having a dream. Thee were a bunch of zombies in my house. I had a revolver and I was shootin like crazy at them. Then suddenly, a thought just popped in. Its from where that lucid dreaming page said something about fear. "Full lucid comes when you don't fear in the dream. Because you realize it is not real" Thats what just popped into my head. Then all of a sudden, zombbies were gone. If you could see my dream from then on. It had some of the best stuff. I was able to fly, I figured out how to a long time ago. And from then on it was like watching a soccer game. I scored! lol And figured out a lot of stuff for dreams. I think i'm all lucid now!

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anyone know how to make a dream last longer than 30 seconds? thats what i want to know...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ June 26 2002,22:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Lucid works!  Last night I was having a dream.  Thee were a bunch of zombies in my house.  I had a revolver and I was shootin like crazy at them.  Then suddenly, a thought just popped in.  Its from where that lucid dreaming page said something about fear.  "Full lucid comes when you don't fear in the dream.  Because you realize it is not real"  Thats what just popped into my head.  Then all of a sudden, zombbies were gone.  If you could see my dream from then on.  It had some of the best stuff.  I was able to fly, I figured out how to a long time ago.  And from then on it was like watching a soccer game.  I scored! lol  And figured out a lot of stuff for dreams.  I think i'm all lucid now!<span id='postcolor'>

Cool! If I get that to work, I'll begin sleeping instead of playing games biggrin.gif

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yes i tried, -no lucid dreams yet, but i did remember a new one

ill tell it when im able to get to it-

(its written on paper under my bed)

but this thread just helped me remeber another one,

lots in fact- theres lots of movement in my dreams,

i believe thats to do with change in your life,

like i have lots of dreams where im in a train -or pursueing someone (invisible) across a very large high train platform

(like a cross between a massive shopping centre and a multilevel trian station

and through many other old train stations

and one where i chased my cousin across all the stations and followed him on lots of trains(with old wooden interiors), until we finally got to a large dark castle very cold and wet and covered in algae

(like it had just been underwater for a long time)

where there were thousands of stairs to climb up, and finally after climbing them he led me through a dark passage to a chamber at the top where there was a dismembered body that looked strangely familiar, and then all the blood and pieces started falling off the edge of the castle as water spurted up through a drainage channel and i woke up

weird huh?

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That's weird. About as weird as some of my dreams. You should read that lucid dreaming page once or twice. Then, forget about it. Don't even think about. Go to sleep on a good note. It should work. It did for me. Remeber, when you figure out that you are dreaming. Hold nothing back. You see something you like go for it. See something that scares you? Beat the living crap out of it. Its great. Have you been able to fly in a dream yet? It's rather easy. I figured out a lot of stuff. But if I say it, it will make it harder. LOL, sucks to know too much.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Grey Fox @ June 23 2002,15:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The worst nightmare I can remember was someting outta Vietnam. There is an ambush by a batalion size unit and for some reason I'm company leader for some U.S. unit.

From there things go straight to hell with heavy mg fire, 60mm mortars, artilery coming from God knows where, and everyone dying around me. Anyway I call air support but can't since my position is "Danger Close". I keep yelling over the radio until they finally relize my company is gone. In about what felt like 15 min napalm goes everywhere but is useless for the fact it felt like it didn't kill anyting.

About what felt like a half hour later everyone is dead and 7 NVA approach me. All I had left was a .45. I shot every single one of them in a gory death by killing them with a headshot or a heart shot. Then all their is, is a deafening errie silence. Then the dream ends.<span id='postcolor'>

Thats bullshit, dreams are never that detailed.

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Not always, but sometimes. Besides, when you wake up, yor head sometimes fills in the blanks.

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Iv had 2 dreams about OFP lol, the 1st was about a plane hitting a mountain and the other about the factory on nogova and its textures getting screwed up lol - Both very short

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