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Hello, Im creating map for A2.

It´s real life map part of Czech republic


But when I load sattelite map it make this.


Sat map has resolution 13824x13824 .

My question is it possible to have better resolution for sat map then 5120x5120?

And my heigh map doesnt fit to sat map about 6 meter.Is there some chance how can I move it?

Thanks for answer

Edited by Branzik

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you do have not only the sat_lco or the heightmap problem, you also have a texture issue. You can see that at the horizont. All the tiles are beeing displayed wrong. So I recommend to check all your files again, since there must be some wrong thing in the texturedefinitions.

Heightmap: to fix that, you want to create a proper heightmap. To do so I recommend DEM files. Check my signature for the google earth topo maps. save the DEM files and convert them by using MicroDem (google for it, it is pretty specific and has it´s issues while using)

resolution of the satmap: Check the project parameters in Visitor (tools) and go through the calculator again. define a specific cell size. I recommend a cell size of 10. This will end up in an ingame size of 1 meter per pixel. So because you have a 512x512 map, you´d need then a 5120x5120 Pixel Sat_lco.png. by choosing a small value, you need to create a respectively sized satmap (dimensions are displayed in the calculater while changing the cell size value)

Edited by MemphisBelle

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  Branzik said:

Sat map has resolution 13824x13824 .

My question is it possible to have better resolution for sat map then 5120x5120?

Yes, higher resolutions are possible, but remember to stay within the square size. The next step up I recommend is 10240x10240, which will give you an astonishing ratio of four satmap pixels per square meter. The only terrain that I know of that does that so far is CWR2 Nogova. (25600x25600px texture in total on a 12800m12800m terrain)

  MemphisBelle said:
you do have not only the sat_lco or the heightmap problem, you also have a texture issue. You can see that at the horizont.

Correct, to fix this, reduce/increase your texture layer size:

-> Read more here

Although not an absolute must-rule, it's a nice rule of thumb to go with:

The Texture size should always be the double of your terrain-cell-size (In this tutorial 10.0m).

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I thank you both of you.

I appreciate your help.

I try to apply to my map.

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Please:-) Im trying to replace forest on the map by using cr_les1_detail_co. But What resolution should I use 520x520?:)

Thanks for help

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Is somewhere sat map of Chernarus?Becouse my map is from area which so close. And it will be great only use stamp tool for my satmap.

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On your P:/ drive there should be a folder called CA and in there should be a folder called Chernarus with a folder called data and another called layers inside of that. There are .paa textures in there that are from Chernarus. Not sure how useful they would be.

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:-)do you mean cr_les1_mco and so on?But I tought dircetly copy from sat map:-)Or they use this cr_les1_mco etc like layers in their sat map.

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in p\ca\chernarus\data\layers is the sat map of Chernarus, like Jakerdod said, but it is fragmented into hundreds of small pictures. I once tryed to copy and paste and merge some of it for my own forest and it works. Anyway in my case, I was not very happy with the result.

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ok thank you very much will see what happend:-)

Is there easier way how to connect lco.paa?

Edited by Branzik

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