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Anyone know any Objective Scripts(destroy objective) and Trigger AI Spawns??

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I would like to know how to make an objective out of destroying a ammo box(objective 1) and killing a enemy officer(objective 2) both objectives saying "Objective completed!" after completing it.. and also I would like to set up an ambush area, basically when a player gets in that trigger circle many AIs would spawn in a particular direction and engage the player(s) that started the trigger. And after all the enemy AI's are killed within the vicinity of the ambush point a message would say "You have successfully fended off an ambush!"

Thanks in advance :)

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For the first 2 objectives, use an alive trigger.

1. create an ammo box, or cache you want to be the objective and give it a name, lets call it cache

2. next to it create a trigger make axis a and b 0<--(zero) in the condition put

!alive cache

3. In the on act space put

hint "The enemy ammo cache has been eliminated!"; 

For the officer, do the same as above, give him a name, and then in the onact space put a message.

Now you wanted it a message would come up when they are both destroyed in the !Alive put cache; !Alive Officer

not sure if it would work I never tried it that way, but one !Alive trigger will work for sure.

As far as your ambush, I may suggest a script/demo-->http://www.kylania.com/ex/?p=31

Hope that helps.

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Then name multiple caches like cache1 , cache2 , cache3 etc and have the trigger condition as

!alive cache1 AND !alive cache2 AND !alive cache3

So the trigger will only activate once all the caches are destroyed.

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Then name multiple caches like cache1 , cache2 , cache3 etc and have the trigger condition as

So the trigger will only activate once all the caches are destroyed.

What if you want a hint saying "1 out 3 caches destroyed" or "2 out 3 caches destroyed"

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1st trigger


!alive c1 or !alive c2 or !alive c3

On act:

hint "1 of 3 catches destroyed"

2nd trigger:


(!alive c1 and !alive c2) or (!alive c2 and !alive c3) or (!alive c1 and !alive c3)

On act:

hint "2 of 3 caches destroyed"

3rd trigger:


!alive c1 and !alive c2 and !alive c3

On act:

hint "3 caches destroyed"

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What if you want a hint saying "1 out 3 caches destroyed" or "2 out 3 caches destroyed"

Here's another way


destroyedCaches = 0;

Trigger for every cache

condition: !alive c1
activation: destroyedCaches = destroyedCaches + 1;

Trigger for each hint

condition: destroyedCaches == 1
activation: hint "1 of 3 destroyed";

You can do this without many triggers in script, but triggers are a good way to start.

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