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Squad not following regroup orders. Need some help please.

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Playing warfare. when i hit space to select all and tell them to regroup i keep getting "squad follow...team" they confirm but stay put. when i select them individuall and say 2 regroup, it says 2 follow 3. and when i select 3 to regroup is says 3 follow 2. i tried putting them all, including myself in team white/red ect but this doesnt fix it. Origionally had the problem when i had 10 squad members and i had a fireteam leader and i thought that was it. so i sent all the units to another team leader and started again...only had 3 and they would not follow me..only each other it seems. I know you can have one member follow another member but i have not issued that comman ever. Would appriciate it if someone could help me with this. Not sure if im doing something wrong or its a bug. only way i can give them commands is to move them to a position..they will not regroup..atleast not on me.

thanks twynn

I just started up a new game. Had 3 squad mates. 2 got killed so i replaced them. all working ok. bought a 4th squad mate. Me and 2 squaddies sitting in a hmvv at hq. newest squadmate spawned...i told him to regroup he just sat there...all got out told them all to regroup they just sat there...told all to stop. then hit f2 regroup it said 2 following 4 wtf. told f4 to regroup said 4 folliwing 2. why does this keep happening. they will not regroup on me anymore they seem to have formed their own squad and will not follow me..i can tell them where to go but they will not regroup. playing arma 2 combined ops. warfare chern. map superpowers

Edited by twynn

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I think it's a warfare bug, try Benny Warfare or Gossamer Warfare. Need to run benny warfare using dedicated server tho. You can download it on the user custom mission thread or armaholic site.

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Somewhere I read someone post you have to hit 0 and ready sir command or something like that. as im having game crashing problems for another reason right now i cannot verify this..does anyone know if this works?

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The AI thinks you are busy.

You need to tell them you are ready, then they will follow you. It's either 5 something or 0 something.

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I find that if I give a command for all to be in a formation while I'm in "Commander View" . [NUM] they will follow me. They will even sometimes actually copy my stance and crawl / stoop if that is how I'm locomoting.

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I think it's a warfare bug, try Benny Warfare or Gossamer Warfare. Need to run benny warfare using dedicated server tho. You can download it on the user custom mission thread or armaholic site.

My friends only have the free version of the game (and we play the Diplomacy mission from 1.11 on LAN sometimes). Could they play this "Benny" mod or does the free version not allow mods?

For myself, I only have Arma 2; no Arrowhead or anything else. Can I still install the "Benny" mod? I keep hearing about it while looking for other information about CTI in general, and it sounds like it would be better than the ones I already play.

Edited by TheCoolSideofthePillow

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Dont be cheap and just get Arma 2 CO, you need it to play Dayz and to have access to all the community made missions and mod in armaholic and this site.

Warfare BE :- 32Player PvP x 10-16AI per player + Town AI resistance in 1 large map like chernarus or takistan.

It's a really fun game and really worth getting arma 2 CO for it. Of course it is better, it have been updated so many times to iron out the bugs. Cant say the same thing for the vanilla warfare tho.

you can also host it and play 2 player commander vs each other with just your friend.

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The AI thinks you are busy.

You need to tell them you are ready, then they will follow you. It's either 5 something or 0 something.

It is zero and you select done.

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