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Question about ArmA 2 Clans

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I have a question about arma 2 clans actually Tactical Realism Units, so here it is:

Why does every unit actually uses American Battalion/Division, I mean everywhere you go its actually based upon American Unit, wouldn't it be fun actually to make a unit based from CDF, RF (Russian Federation) or Takistan?

As a player looking for squad I would prefer to join something unique not something that is over used, wouldn't you want as well?

What I am trying to say is that its getting way too "over used" don't you think?

Thank you!

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There are plenty of russian clans out there, a fair amount of unique units as well. Look around here if you have not already and clycle through all the names, you'll see a large amount of diversity. If you looking for a 'unit' post up here . Its true there are plenty units based of real life units, but not all are american plenty of european ones out there and other around the globe, also units such as my own are not based on anything, we just picked a random name out and went with it :)

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Well what I mean is English based ones, wouldn't it be nicer for people to actually start making a unique units like from arma universe?

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WARP, Russian.

OPFOR (New Zealand Based).

I have played with them, pretty cool communities.

English? British*


6th AD


There are many! Australian, Canadian. You name it.

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I see well thanks guys! I guess there aint only the ones I said.

Since I kind of got tried of too many used US based ones I decided to do a Chernarussian Defense Forces 18th Pechota Pluk aka 18th Infantry Regiment first time going to lead something but well...

Anyways thanks again, making this topic actually did give me ideas as well as the Project CDF.

Can be locked I guess?

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To paraphrase, "ACPL doesn't discriminate, ACPL hate everyone equally" - when they're on the wrong side of ironsights of course ;-)

We play the roles of US Grunts and SF, USMC, British Recon and SAS, Russian Mech. Inf and VDV, rarely CDF and Chernarussian\Chechen\Taliban OPFOR guys and finally, Polish units, with which we sympathize the most from obvious reasons. Why limit yourself to being US, British, Russian or any other grunt when in ArmA you can be all of them?

No i jesteśmy Polakami miśku.

Edited by JonPL

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But most realism units limit roles to learn that specific doctrine and modify it for Arma, such as TF313 with American doctrine and tactics, and 16AA/VCB with British. That's probably one big reason why, that doesn't mean of course that they don't play missions as other countries or militaries from time to time or on odd occasions. For instance you base your whole philosophy, tactics and clan around the Australian infantry then play as the Russians with no idea of Russian tactics, equipment, it just wouldn't be 100%. It wouldn't fit right with me anyway, hence why whenever I want to play like that I actually go to other communities such as a Russian community.

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But most realism units limit roles to learn that specific doctrine and modify it for Arma, such as TF313 with American doctrine and tactics, and 16AA/VCB with British. That's probably one big reason why, that doesn't mean of course that they don't play missions as other countries or militaries from time to time or on odd occasions. For instance you base your whole philosophy, tactics and clan around the Australian infantry then play as the Russians with no idea of Russian tactics, equipment, it just wouldn't be 100%. It wouldn't fit right with me anyway, hence why whenever I want to play like that I actually go to other communities such as a Russian community.

Well that is why I think TRU's should train together to know each other tactics.

As I decided to do my one based upon CDF I decided to actually "GET" trained by other american tru's and so on. to get more realism into it.

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Some clans do train and play together - joint-operations (joint ops, JO's) which can include joint-training sessions. We've done it a few times, including teaching Basic CQB/CQC for two small clans who were fairly new to 'tacticool'/'realism'. Other big events include community nights such as the Ausarma community night/event where a mixture of clans and public players come together.

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Seems like a topic like this would be better placed in the Multiplayer forums.

§8) Post in the right forum

Please ensure you make new threads in the correct forum, if you're unsure of which forum to post in feel free to ask a moderator.

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Seems like a topic like this would be better placed in the Multiplayer forums.

Yea sorry about that really didn't know where to place it.

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