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=BTC= Fast Rope script

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=BTC= Fast Rope


This script allow you to use the fast roping feature without any addons.

The pilot of the chopper can deploy the ropes, if there are AI units in the cargo they'll disembark, but you have to set it to 1 in the config.

When the pilot deploy the ropes, an action appears to all the players in the cargo, so they can use ropes to disembark.

At the moment this feature it's available for UH-60M and MH-60S only.

Known issues:

- could be some problem in MP about the animations.


Copy "=BTC=_fast_roping" folder in your mission folder.

Add in the init.sqf:

_fast_roping = [] execVM "=BTC=_fast_roping\=BTC=_fast_roping_init.sqf";

If you spawn a chopper during a mission you have to add to it all the actions needed.

However a demo mission is included.




My clan:

= BlackTemplarsClan =

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Nice work! I will implement it in my missions when I get time and get back to you with feedback :).


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Thank you guys! It's something i made just for fun...I got some times this afternoon and nothing to do :D

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Is it possible to auto-add it to every chopper? I know that AI perhaps wont be able to use the fast rope (OR WOULD/COULD THEY ?) but it would help with mission in which helos are spawned on the fly.

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Well you have to add it when the chopper spawns...

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Question (I'm missing a step here). How exactly do I get this to work....If I want to be part of an assault team (riding in back) and have an AI pilot fly my team to a given location?


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You have to know how to script a little...

Here a quick example: (i'm not at my PC so i can't test it, just to let u know how to do, you can improve this a lot :))


_chopper  = _this select 0;
_pos = _this select 1;
_dest = _this select 2;
_chopper doMove _pos;
WaitUntil {_chopper distance _pos < 10};
_chopper flyInHeight (BTC_fast_rope_h - 2);
WaitUntil {((getPos _chopper) select 2) <= (BTC_fast_rope_h + 1)};
doStop _chopper;
_chopper setVariable ["BTC_rope",1,true];
_chopper vehicleChat "Ropes deployed!";
_trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", position Player];
_trigger setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, false];
_trigger setTriggerText "Ready";
_trigger setTriggerActivation ["JULIET","PRESENT", false];
_trigger setTriggerStatements ["this","BTC_in_position = true;",""];
WaitUntil {!isNil "BTC_in_position"};
_chopper doMove _dest;

[name_chopper,getMarkerPos "ins",getMarkerPos "away"] execVM "BTC_insertion.sqf";

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So is there a way to add this script to all choppers on a map (as they are spawned on-the-fly) then to remove the fast rope from combat choppers (apache and cobra etc)?

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Hey why can't I add custom helicopters to make the script work with it?

Just open the =BTC=_fast_roping_init.sqf and edit the 4th line!

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Hey buddy

Wonder if you can help me please!

Just started mission building and sorta fumbling my though, could you kinda hold my hand for me a bit please!


Read the original description wrong, I thought I could get the AI pilot to deploy the rope for me. Got it working with player pilot!

Much appreciated!

Edited by marker

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how do you add the script for spawned helicopters on both SP and MP mission?

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Does it work in ArmA 3 Beta? If not, can you script it, please?

Edited by Loupeznik

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Already ported to A3 and integrated in the logistic script! Give it a try!

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It's included in the =BTC= Logistic for A3!

Thanks for the reply! I am going to edit our mission tonight to add the fast rope specifically.

I will report back once I get it working.

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For the life of me i can not get this script to work. I copied the btc folder to my mission folder, copied the int txt. Then copied your all objectes from your demo into my mission just as a quick test. Epic fail simply will not do show up. but i can switch the the demo mission and it works just fine. I tried also to run the scrip from the chopper itself by pasting the int txt into the chopper int text came back with an error that it couldent find the btc start int sqf. eeep help sir please.

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