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How to add flare magazine to helicopter?

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How can you add (more) flares ("60Rnd_CMFlareMagazine_H_DLC1") to the Hind?

I've tried many combinations with addmagazine and addmagazineturret.

To be honest, I've never understood the thing with the turrets [0,1] etc...

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Hello mate,

You need to add the flares to the pilot's turret. So, assuming your helicopter is called helo1...

helo1 addMagazineTurret ["60Rnd_CMFlareMagazine_H_DLC1",[-1]]

The pilot's turret is always '-1'.

Hope this helps?

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Thanks... this surely is a matter for headbonkonthedesk.

Though being off-topic concerning this thread's title, I have another question: how do you moveIn'Copilot' a unit into a helicopter, such as the Little Bird?

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Slightly more convoluted this one;

this moveInTurret [helo1,[0]];

In the init line of of the person you want to be co-pilot. Again, helo1 is the light helicopter you are dealing with.

Edited by Jedra
speeellling eror

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I have similar question. Is it possible to add some kind of grenade launcher to helicopter? I want to create scenario where light heli goes to recon mission, finds some targets, then marks them using some smoke/flare shooting weapon. Then calls his big brother (Hind) to destroy those targets. Is it possible?

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Hi BeePee,

Probably the easiest way is to add an action using addaction to the helo which executes the following;

smoke1 = "SmokeShellred" createVehicle (position (vehicle player));

This will create a smokeshell (a red one in this case) at the players position which will fall to the ground.

A very simple addaction in the initline of the player/helo...

pldropsmoke = this addAction ["Drop Smoke", "dropsmoke.sqf"];

Edited by Jedra

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Tnx Jedra but that's not exactly what I want. With your script it wouldn't be possible to aim the smokeshell. I want to be able to fire it like a rocket. I've managed to add M16A2GL to helicopter and can fire its primary ammo - 20Rnd_556x45_Stanag (yes! it's possible!) but I can't switch to M203... Anyone knows how to do this?

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What about an M32 grenade launcher and some M203 smoke or flare grenades. Not sure they are in ToH but they are definitely in Arma.

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I think that would do the trick! Unfortunatelly M32 is available in Operation Arrowhead only and I don't have it :/

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Without some config work I don't think you are going to achieve it.

What you could do instead is go back to my idea, but give the smoke shell some velocity (same as the helo) and a direction (same as the helo). This way it will 'fire' the smoke shell in a fashion that is 'aimed'.

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Would it be possible to add the operation arrowhead flares (e.g. the ones in ACE on the various choppers) to a ToH helicopter? The merged games makes for some awesome screwing around with helicopters and military hardware sessions, but any ToH chopper is very vulnerable to stinger missiles!! :(

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In principal there is no reason why you couldn't do this - as long as you have the classname it should be similar to the way I described in post #2 should it not?

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I thought it must but I am still failing. I've had a search online and dug up some class names etc but no joy. Sorry to keep using you as the all wise master of scripts but any idea what I'm doing wrong. I'm using

helo1 addMagazineTurret ["120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine",[-1]]; helo1 addweapon "CMFlareLauncher";

also tried

helo1 addMagazineTurret ["120Rnd_CMFlareMagazine",[-1]]

in the init line for helo1.

I fear there may be more stuff that needs to be added. Like the radar and radar warning which I presume is hidden in the vehicle cfg. either way I get no change to the ToH heavy chopper that I am testing on :(


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I don't think this is possible with script if the helicopter doesn't have that weapon defined in the config. What we need is for them to implement addWeaponTurret command.

If you want a heavy with a flare, you are going to have to dig into the config and write a replacement.

Here's what you can do with some config changes...


I have written a small replacement config that you might find useful - it basically adds flares to all Heavy choppers in ToH (the Hinds addon is required). You can download it here. Let me know if it needs tweaking.

Edited by Jedra

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Is there any way to add the flares to the pilots seat to launch with the R button? Basically try to load flares to addons that seem to have bugs there.

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