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adding recoil to tank cannons?.

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I find it quite irritating that there is no recoil on tank cannons, how can I add some?.

Not sure what parameters their are available for vehicles if any?.

Is there a rating of 1 out of 10 like the small arms?.

Thanks for any help.

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Sorry I don't get the point, there is clearly recoil visible. The whole vehicle shakes in it's suspension and dust is kicked up from ground.

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I just downloaded the new Lobo Iraq war mod, all the tanks don't have any recoil. I'm modding it "for personal use" by changing the sound effects and tank/weapons characteristics ect.

None of the tanks have any recoil so I'm trying to figure out how to give it too them. I'm running combined ops.

I'v also noticed that while I can assign sound effects for many things "soundhit" does not do anything. I wish to make different impact/explosion sounds depending on ammo fired but so far it refuses to play anything but vanilla sounds.

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To create a recoilling main gun effect requires coordinated values in both of the config files and the model.

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To get the recoil of the main gun you need in the model.cfg:

class recoil_BEGIN









Offset1 = -0.800000;





begin="usti hlavne";

end="konec hlavne";


class recoil_END


Type = "translation";

Source = "recoil_source";

Selection = "gun";

axis= "osa_gun";

MinValue = 0.85;

MaxValue = 1.00;

MinPhase = 0.85;

MaxPhase = 1.00;

SourceAddress = "clamp";

Offset0 = 0.000000;

Offset1 = 0.800000;


And in the config.cfg

class AnimationSources


class recoil_source


source = "reload";

weapon = "gun"; //the the gun you use



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...so if i want to add a cannon never recoil (as a 105mm on a light truck) i will must put minvalue and mustvalue = 0, both in recoil_begin and in recoil_end animation, right? Or there are some other strings that i have not considered?

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...please, someone can help me on this issue? I have tried to set my weapon on vehicle never recoil, but nothing.

When i fire with the cannon, my vehicle jump more than a kangaroo...and in Italy there aren't kangaroos!:)


This is what i have made:

On Config.cpp

class AnimationSources : AnimationSources//referred to other vehicle


class recoil_source


source = "reload";

weapon = "105mm_NoRecoil_ASZ"; //name of the weapon on class turret



On Model.cfg

class ASZ_VM90_EIMM_105: ASZ_CAR


class Animations: Animations


class recoil_BEGIN









Offset1 = -0.800000;





begin="usti hlavne";

end="konec hlavne";


class recoil_END


Type = "translation";

Source = "recoil_source";

Selection = "gun";

axis= "osa_gun";

MinValue = 0;//0,85

MaxValue = 0;//1

MinPhase = 0;//0,85

MaxPhase = 0;//1

SourceAddress = "clamp";

Offset0 = 0.000000;

Offset1 = 0.800000;




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You'll want to uncomment out the min and max phase and value numbers. You'll probably want to inherit recoil_END from recoil_BEGIN because you're missing a few parameters there. Also you need to set up an animation source in your config.cpp.

       class AnimationSources
           class recoil_source
               source = "reload";
               weapon = "weapon classname";

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Thanks Max Power for your reply.


1) you say to not change the value of min and max at 0 and re-write the value on side comment? OK but what is the right value to have NO recoil on my cannon?

2) for recoil_end it's better to write class recoil_END:recoil begin (etc...)?

3) i have already written the class animationsources in config file.

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