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Location and setvariable

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Hi guys!

I need a little help with this script.

I'm trying to get a list of all "CityCenter" and then apply a variable to all of them.

This what i tried:

BTC_locations = nearestLocations [getPos player, ["CityCenter"], 99999];
{_x setVariable ["BTC_var", 0];hint format ["%1 - %2", _x, _x getVariable "BTC_var"];sleep 1;} foreach BTC_locations;
//returns = "location cityCenter at xxxx,yyyy - <null>";

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The only thing I can think of is that it's not one of the recognised variables that you can store a variable in although it does say you can store in loactions.

Perhaps this

BTC_locations = [["CityCenter"],[player,99999]] call BIS_fnc_locations;
{_x setVariable ["BTC_var", 0];
hint format ["%1 - %2",getpos _x, _x getVariable "BTC_var"];
sleep 1;
} foreach BTC_locations;

This will also give the city name.

BTC_locations = [["CityCenter"],[player,2000]] call BIS_fnc_locations;
{_x setVariable ["BTC_var", 0];
hint format ["%1 - %2", _x  getvariable "name", _x getVariable "BTC_var"];
sleep 1;
} foreach BTC_locations;}

Edited by F2k Sel

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You need to add the line below, to pause your script to allow time for the functions to load properly. This is in reference to F2k Sel's code. If you are trying to run it at mission start.

waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};

Worked fine when I added this.

Hope this helps


Edited by blakeace

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You need to add the line below, to pause your script to allow time for the functions to load properly. This is in reference to F2k Sel's code. If you are trying to rule it at mission start.

waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};

Worked fine when I added this.

Hope this helps


I don't get this post at all... :) ...I posted that i solved the problem...And i already know/use that line :)

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He is right about my code it should have that line included as it's calling a function.

I actually wrote it a trigger so it wasn't needed.

As for the wiki being wrong I wouldn't know I don't understand 90% of the stuff to do with variables.

Glad it works anyway.

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Giallustio's code is correct but set/getVariable is broken for locations


F2k Sel's code with BIS_fnc_locations is working because that function creates a game logic for every location, i.e. BTC_locations is an array of objects and not locations

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Glad to know that i'm not stupid :D

@F2k Sel

Don't worry! I always use that line in the init.sqf ;)

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