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Hazar-Kot Valley - Release Thread

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Stunning map.

Also gives me mega FPS. We're gearing up for a few PVP missions on this. I recorded a preview of the map (not much action just some idea of the terrain).

Will post it here shortly.

Thanks again.

Edited by Andrews

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Beautiful video! good work! :)

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Hello, I am having some trouble installing and playing it. I get the message "Cannot load world 'mcn\mcn_hazarkot\mcn_hazarkot.wrp'" every time I attempt to play it after installing and activating.

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Are you sure you have it installed and loaded correctly? Most common mistake is not having an "addons" folder inside the @mod folder. The addons folder is where the .pbo's go.

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Not sure why your'e having that error message, what version of arma are you using?

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Are you sure you have it installed and loaded correctly? Most common mistake is not having an "addons" folder inside the @mod folder. The addons folder is where the .pbo's go.

Honestly, I am very new to ArmA, and recently bought steam's "Arma X: Anniversary Edition". It should be fully updated. I have an addons folder inside the @mod folder, but should I be doing something else?

Edited by Zinulviing

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Honestly, I am very new to ArmA, and recently bought steam's "Arma X: Anniversary Edition". It should be fully updated. I have an addons folder inside the @mod folder, but should I be doing something else?

you're running a mod line in the game's properties in steam?

Also, you may want to consider using a Arma 2 Launcher for ease of use

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