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Begginer's Guide to Game Content Creation

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Right, before anyone jumps on this thinking this is aimed solely at A2/OA and O2, i need to disappoint and say that it isn't (although i will include those as well).

so here it is:




What i want to do is lay the groundwork, the basic principles and information about the 3d modeling world in a generic and friendly manner, without focusing on one in particular (well, i might get a bit subjective along the way, since 3ds max is my main modeling software, you might expect the elderly max to be featured more than others).

This way, no matter what 3d modeling package one might use, the principles and workflows should be all the same.

The idea is to break an otherwise long and winded information into more digestible parts, getting from A to Z covering everything from

3D modeling > UV unwraping > Texturing > Baking > Exporting.

Although i have a few video tutorials set, the overall aim of this blog is NOT to hold your hand through the process of making something from scratch following a video in a given software. If that is what you are looking for, again, you might as well look elsewhere, there are plenty of tuts on the web ;)



Edited by PuFu

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Looking forward to what you have to say. :)


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cheers abs,robster

i only got around to put down one entry from the ones i have drafted due to all the hysteria around Christmas and all.

good news is that my mate Alex (Soul_Assassin) wants to chip in, so there might be even more content covered in the end.

Edited by PuFu

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This sounds very promising, good luck with it. The right a approach too, hand holding tutorials are all well and good until something doesn't quite work the way it was shown and the person watching is lost.

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i was hoping somebody will do something like this (more in details please) even though i use blender and oxygen still learning !!!


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i was hoping somebody will do something like this (more in details please) even though i use blender and oxygen still learning !!!


I am trying to cover build a base before i can get into a lot of details, and once i do i can't use more than a couple of software at a time (max and maya/modo most likely).

If you want something specific covered in more detail go ahead and ask for it, i'll try my best to explain it

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hey could you add a section on converting the 3ds Max Animations over to O2( if it s Possible)....TY

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hey could you add a section on converting the 3ds Max Animations over to O2( if it s Possible)....TY

It is impossible, even with Soul Assassin Plug-in (you can only create the backbones of animations, such as axis for animations and alike in a memory LOD).

You have really nice tutorials per sections in 3DsMax ArmA2 Modding toolset thread

for RTMs export, I do have a CAT rigged character (and the controllers) almost done and rigged (missing only the fingers controllers), and SA was working on a plug to export RTMs (the last beta version i've seen worked since he was able to export static anims out of it). I plan on redoing it using biped (more universally available, easier to set the limits on the IK), need to have a word with SA about it, i guess we both lost interest/forgot about it..it is on sometime in the (non-)foreseeable future ToDo list.

BUT, for chracter's RTMs, it is possible using Maya though, i might work out a tut about it. There was a quick description on armastack before the server borked the database.

You can find the skeleton file (no mesh) created by guy which name i don't remember anymore (shame on me) linked on my FTP HERE

Just make sure the frame interpolation/tangents(graph editor) for the animation is set to linear, or it won't work.

Edited by PuFu

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