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[TvT/FFA/CO-40] Dynamic Zombie Sandbox

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Hi all sorry to keep posting but I really need help with this issue

Please help

Ive got the latest DZS Beta and I all so run ACE2

I have hosted a dedi server and when I am ingame none of the ACE keys work now eg

ACE Interaction

Self interaction etc etc

It use to work when I last played I have ACE backpacks and stamina ON.

I have tested in SP editor and it works in that so its some thing to do with the mission blocking the keys?

Please advise as I am hopeing to get a server up for me mates today

All the best

Any one I really want to run a server but I cant until this problem is sorted

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I'm not exactly sure why that would happen. This wasn't an issue in past versions of DZS? Did it only start in the latest betas and not in version 1.25? You can email me at [email protected]

---------- Post added at 07:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ----------

I have a problem with the helicopter escape objective. When the mission finishes loading it immediately says congratulations and ends.

I'll look into it, thanks.

Track : https://dev-heaven.net/issues/70607

Edited by bobtom

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Hi thanks for getting back to me Bobtom

It use to work in older versions I aint played for a long time so have missed a fair few but in this latest version it wont work at all :(

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Any luck getting this to work with ACE.

ACE self interaction and ACE interaction does not work with this version?.

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I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but i need some help. I have been trying to edit some of the parameters in this mission but I just don't understand it,if somone could give me a link to a video or a forum post on the matter or explain it to me I would really appreciate it. I mainly need help with how to spawn with weapons, change the zombies attack distance,and add more bandages.

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what do you mean xred?

when you select the mission you get the little parameters key where you can set all that. (or make yourself admin and restart the mission and you can see all that)

if you want to make it perm you can un-pbo it and edit teh description.ext and then repbo it.

cant change attack distance.. but can change spawn distance and agro distance.

if you decide to edit the description.ext.. you will see something like this

		title="Bandage Count:";
		texts[]={"0","1", "2","3","4","5","6","7","10"};

just change default=2 to default=6 or what ever

if this doesnt help please expand on what you mean.

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Any luck getting this to work with ACE.

ACE self interaction and ACE interaction does not work with this version?.

I actually ran into a problem like that with doing a ACE Wasteland version.

To fix the ACE interaction, find displaySetEventHandler and change it to displayAddEventHandler. I am pretty sure Craig uses displaySet and ACE uses displaySet, when you override displaySet it breaks ACE key handlers.

Another thing for Craig to note if he does it. ACE makes use of nil, so never overwrite nil otherwise ACE spits out a bunch of errors. :)

Edited by Tonic-_-

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hello, I've been testing your 1.3 beta on my dedicated server and I've noticed 2 things that are not working properly, one is the food and water system I beleive thats a known issue with dedi servers atm

also no matter what option is selected for the minimum spawn distance, once you enter the world, pick a skin from the list, the zombies spawn 10m away always, reguardless of selected option in the server parameters, I've tried many from the list, 100m 200m 400m etc. and zombies still always spawn within 10m once the skin selection screen closes

I did notice the zombies behaving much better now which is a nice addition, hope this can get sorted out so it will work on dedicated :D


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Hi I was wondering if there is a way to add the weapons from Robert Hammer's weapons pack into the mission? I'm sorry if this has been posted before.

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Hi I was wondering if there is a way to add the weapons from Robert Hammer's weapons pack into the mission? I'm sorry if this has been posted before.

Load up ArmA with the mod on. Play the mission. Weapons will be used automatically, or choose "Weapons from mods only" In the parameters, and then the mission will use ONLY RH weapons.

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I actually ran into a problem like that with doing a ACE Wasteland version.

To fix the ACE interaction, find displaySetEventHandler and change it to displayAddEventHandler. I am pretty sure Craig uses displaySet and ACE uses displaySet, when you override displaySet it breaks ACE key handlers.

Another thing for Craig to note if he does it. ACE makes use of nil, so never overwrite nil otherwise ACE spits out a bunch of errors. :)

Ok extracted PBO but cant find that file name please help :(

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you probably have extensions turned off?

here is a screenshot of the PBO opened in PBOview, with the file you need to edit highlighted. (imgur pict) I extract to c:/temp you will see a folder there with same name as pbo. I open the description.ext in notepad++ cause normal notepad sucks.. you can try to open it in wordpad which comes with windows and doesnt suck as bad.

if you need to turn on extensions. open any windows folder. .. Click the alt key once.. you will see a new menu bar.

Click on tools, then folder options. On the new window click view. See "hide extensions for known filetypes".. clear that check mark by clicking on it... now your files will say 'whatever.txt' rather than 'whatever'

you do NOT have to do this, but I think it makes it easier to find the files we are talking about, and it is slightly safer from a security view.

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thanks joulesbeef will look into that

I had extensions on just could not find what file to put the text in LOL


Ok opend the file you said joul and I do a search within the file using notepad++ and it cant find displaySetEventHandler so i am lost


ok only place i could find ref to displaySetEventHandler was on tonics INI script i changed it now I crash after i press continue on the map screen

edit fuing 3

kicks me to windows managed to see the error

internal error:rendering command buffer to small

I can run the editor in chern ok ist when i load this mission? should I have repbo the mission never use to have to?

Edited by stk2008

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Ok found why i get kicked

as soon as i set grass to none or very low what ever it is in the mission params i get kicked wonder why?

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i have a problem .. zombies can open all doors and i can't hide in buildings .. is there a way to fix that?

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Not really, but either way hiding in a building would make survival too easy.

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i still have some questions about the 1.30:

in the DZS (1.3 beta(combined operations)) all zombies are freeze and they do not react if I approach to them.

last question for the 1.30 beta .. how i open the food/water inventory? which botton on the keyboard?

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damys, is this on dedicated server or you hosting? I have a dedicated server running DZS and never had "all zombies are freeze" issue.

Release notes say food/water not working & to disable it for know. Keyboard button is tilde ~

IDK if this is ok to post here, but server name is (CDC) center for disease control and prevention.

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If it hasn't been mentioned already, running the mission with ACRE loaded replaces all weapon spawns with ACRE radios

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damys, is this on dedicated server or you hosting? I have a dedicated server running DZS and never had "all zombies are freeze" issue.

Release notes say food/water not working & to disable it for know. Keyboard button is tilde ~

IDK if this is ok to post here, but server name is (CDC) center for disease control and prevention.

in the DZS 1.25 i have no problems and the zombies are ok ... but in the DZS 1.30 "beta" the zombies are freeze..i don't have conflict with other mods ..i think is just a problem with this beta on my pc... now i hope it in the official 1.30

ps: i don't have the "tilde ~" button on my keyboard (italian version)

Edited by damys

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bobtom using the latest beta i still get crash when I set grass detail to very low in parameteres if i leave it on indavidual choice its fine all so setting it on low crashes game with same error

internal error:render buffer to small

I did some testing on the last version and found it to be the grass I did post in this thread but I assume you missed it :(

Thanks for the mission any way its great


BTW I died and upon respawn zombies would not attack me etc even if I stood next to them if I shot at a zed that zombie would then chase me but no others until I all so shot at them

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Thanks will try out the beta if Arma 3 doesn't distract me too much :p

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