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Falling through the LHD

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Does anyone have a method on how to place the LHD properly in Visitor?

As it is now, I allways fall through the deck between the front piece and the second piece

when playing on the map.

Thanks in advance!


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How big is your terrain?

And cell size?

I suspect large cell or large terrain could "break" the large geometry lods that make up the LHD ..... but I've no proof.

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You may check that every object is aligned, at same height... for this purpose you could by Setting Absolute Height script once you selected pertaining objects, or you may do it individually checking properties on each object (I do not remember well but double-click on every object should work to display object height or altitude )

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Making sure that it is flat underneath might be important too.

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check out Xeno's mission "The Longest Day" for an example of how to place the LHD. But Jakerod is right, the sea bottom must be even and you can't be in infiniteland, if I remember correctly.

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