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MJR. Gastovski


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After the poll I made that said what people would like to see the most in OFP Resistance (sorry if it was TOO late but I had no idea it was coming out in 16 days or so) and the selection that completely dominated the poll was "Artillery" (HALLELUIJAH! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif ) and if I could I would have voted it myself but I can;t cos I created the topic.

One reply that was left that had me in stitches said "it would be really funny to see the hands of God reign down on the dumb commies with 105mm Howitzers and see half the attacking force get wiped out by a single shell."

I was wondering what you might think the funniest thing would be if you saw all the Ruskies get killed by Artillery.

Some people were sad however that Artillery weren't in any of the original OFP's but you never know if someone makes a mod that includes an artillery let us all pray!

"Our father in heaven wepray to you roday to grant us an Artillery and use it to reign down the powers of heaven (in this case 105mm howitzers) on the Russoan soldiers because they are the doers of Satan"

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There are already a couple of addons for OFP that implement artillery units and artillery bombardments, but an official version would be best. smile.gif


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Wouldn't mind seeing the 2S3 Akatsia or the BM-21 Rocket Artillery. They fit in around 1985.

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Ya know, iv actually been thinking about this, and i'v come to this conclusion.

I think things like indirect fire pieces like artillery and mortars are best left to being simulated with scripts and whatnot. Because you wouldnt really get much satsfaction from manning them yourself (I wouldnt anyway) cause you wouldnt even get to see if you killed anything. And on top of that, putting them in along side an already huge battle would just eat up memory and slow things down. It sounds cool, but for me, it would just take things down more. I can simulate a bombarded area perfectly with sounds, explosions, and everything already.

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Guest Titanium

I must say that artillery with be a biznatch to deal with. I mean, what kind of artillery are you talking about? Little ones that fire mortors across a long piece of land? Or big cannons that fire onto the other side of the island. I can see major problems in both. First is it would need a gage to determine how far it will go. I don't mean telling you directly, but giving you the angle it is firing up. Then you need its velocity and have to do some equations before you can really fire. Then, once people do figure out just what the hell they are doing, its going to take a lot of teamwork. For artillery, spotters are needed. That way, whoever is firing, know what the hell he is hitting. And how much correction he weill need to hit the mark. Do doubt, arterillry would be a great thing, but not in the wrong hands. And I doubt it should/will/can be added because of these reasons and I'm sure of just a few other plain ones you can think of.

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Guest Titanium

And Mister Frag, I'm under the impression that artillery piece is shite. it was modeled over an APC. so even if you get a clear shot at the guys head, it wont hit cause of an aouter APC hitbox style thingie. Atleast thats what I've heard.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Titanium @ June 06 2002,13:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And Mister Frag, I'm under the impression that artillery piece is shite.  it was modeled over an APC.  so even if you get a clear shot at the guys head, it wont hit cause of an aouter APC hitbox style thingie.  Atleast thats what I've heard.<span id='postcolor'>

That's why it would be nice to have official artillery pieces in OFP. Also, the availability of decent editing tools (Oxygen) would allow this to be fixed.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Aculaud @ June 06 2002,14:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Ya know, iv actually been thinking about this, and i'v come to this conclusion.

I think things like indirect fire pieces like artillery and mortars are best left to being simulated with scripts and whatnot. Because you wouldnt really get much satsfaction from manning them yourself (I wouldnt anyway) cause you wouldnt even get to see if you killed anything. And on top of that, putting them in along side an already huge battle would just eat up memory and slow things down. It sounds cool, but for me, it would just take things down more. I can simulate a bombarded area perfectly with sounds, explosions, and everything already.<span id='postcolor'>

No, you could have the fun of firing off a few rounds, then rushing to pack everything up and move your ass before the counter-battery fire comes. Fun fun fun smile.gif


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what i would also like to see is a flak canon

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This might be a stupid question but did we ever figure out if you fire a round out of a tank or artilery with a high firing arch would it come back to earth  confused.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Darkhawk @ June 06 2002,20:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">This might be a stupid question but did we ever figure out if you fire a round out of a tank or artilery with a high firing arch would it come back to earth  confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I know the mortor round comes back down ontop of you, so I can't see why not with a tank round. Try it: just shoot the mortor staight up or as much as you can. It comes back.


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Guest Titanium

Tank shells don't. And for the counter-battery thing, how the hell would you know where they are firing from? And no one answered any of my questions in my previous post.

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i never tried Kegety's Javelin add-on, but AFAIK, the shell goes quite curvy. seeing that most AT,LAW in ofp tend to go far and straight(relatively, that is) i find that there could be a way to make sabots and heat go in parabloic fashion.

if some mod-er uses LAW, then I guess curvyness can be attained, but if OFP has different, un editable intrinsic properties for sabot and heat, then we are out of luck.

counter-artilery should be worked by pdevelopers i guess. iheard from some where that one way to find where artillery is being fired at is by catching their airborne sound and locating it...that seems a bit too much for current ofp engine.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Titanium @ June 06 2002,21:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Tank shells don't.  And for the counter-battery thing, how the hell would you know where they are firing from?  And no one answered any of my questions in my previous post.<span id='postcolor'>

I'm talking about counter battery fire in RL, not OFP. I believe that radar is used and the shells are tracked as they go through the air. Kinda a chess match between arti groups, trying to find each other through trianglation.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Snoopy @ June 07 2002,04:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">what  i would also like to see is a flak canon<span id='postcolor'>


That's what we have the Shilka for smile.gif It's not flak, but then flak really isnt an issue on the modern battlefield. SAM and AAA is far more effective, I would think.

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there is bullet drop in the tanks and its different per tank te most noticable is the bmp set view distance and try and shoot a tank at long range with bmp u will find it falls way short.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Warin @ June 06 2002,22:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Snoopy @ June 07 2002,04:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">what  i would also like to see is a flak canon<span id='postcolor'>


That's what we have the Shilka for smile.gif  It's not flak, but then flak really isnt an issue on the modern battlefield. SAM and AAA is far more effective, I would think.<span id='postcolor'>

AAA is flak. A lot of the larger caliber AAA gun's shells burst in the air. I believe some of the more advanced ones actually adjust the fuse as data is fed from it from the radar so the bursts are around the altitude of the target aircraft. I have read many acounts from pilots from the Gulf War about how close they came to the areas of flak. Often it is setup in a barrage in a certain area, kind of like suppressive fire to deny entry for the plane. Iraq was successful with this against Tornado's that tried to bomb the runways. They had to fly down the runway so the just set up a box of fire infront of it. Shot down a few like that I believe.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Tank shells don't.<span id='postcolor'>

Yes they do.

I've played this mission where some guy

(can't remember his name) simulated artillery with

M60 firing shells high thru the air and those shells

crashed into the ground pretty much where he wanted to.

Tank shells disappear in air after a while, though. Like

after they have flied 3 km, they will suddenly disappear.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LauryThorn @ June 07 2002,09:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Tank shells don't.<span id='postcolor'>

Yes they do.

I've played this mission where some guy

(can't remember his name) simulated artillery with

M60 firing shells high thru the air and those shells

crashed into the ground pretty much where he wanted to.

Tank shells disappear in air after a while, though. Like

after they have flied 3 km, they will suddenly disappear.<span id='postcolor'>

That is exactly the same tihng I found out - beyond 3 km the shells just dissapear. To effectively fire beyond visual range we need one of 2 things:

-A HUD on the cannon showing the current elevation and heading in numbers - that way you will be able to go back to an allready known firing solution or fire 3 howitsers as a battery on the same target. It will only work with human manning though.

-Menusettings on the gun like "elevate 1 degree", "turn 1 degree left" etc. That way the player doen't have to keep his hand still to keep a given setting. It should stiil be able to show elevation and heading.

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