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"Fire At Will" - Functional AI artillery without any knowledge about scripts etc.

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So FAW is now released under Arma 3 as FFE.

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So forward-observers are only vanilla spotter units? How to enable other units? The scripted version isn't exactly minimal to try to modify :P

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By default targets will be reported to batteries by any allied unit, vanilla or not, that has some knowledge about enemies. If you want however, so only specific FO classes could do that, check in manual RydFAW_FOClass init config variable. If you want to add to the vanilla some custom FO classes, define that array before script init (in init.sqf) with all default content plus your custom classes to be used as FOs. If you don't need vanilla FOs - put there custom classes only. Script will check class of leader of each group, if it is FO class, that group will act like FO. FO can be just one-man group.

Note, that RydFAW_FO must be first defined as not empty array (eg RydFAW_FO = [objNull]; ) to activate limited spotting mode.

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thanks for the informative reply, btw how do I ascertain that the script is working correctly?

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Use another init variable from manual: RydFAW_Debug = true; to enable map markers showing fire missions nicely, there is even possibility to watch shells on the fly. And equip yourself with some patience, as effects aren't immediate, may take a minute or so from spotting enemy to first fire mission.

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This seems like a great script, however, it seems the config variables do not work (script version 1.3). I tried with grad_RU and 2b14_82mm. They do fire properly but confgis somehow have no effect on firerate, salvo shell amount, 1/2 phase fire mission or anything. Always 6 rounds with first one being spotting round, firerate fastest possible. I tried to look the code too but couldn't find any obvious errors. Basically I define the variables and start the FAW.sqf after those, like supposed to. I'd appreciate any confirmation if it's just me failing or what :confused: .

Edited by TugeX

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I cant get this to work in IF (arma) version? I´ve placed the module synked to a mortar. Then nothing? Of course there are friendly squads and enemies that sees eachother and do combat. =)

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Just tested with script version 1.3 - set 2 or 4 shots with 10 or 20 additional interval between each shot, and it worked fine. Some other configs works too. Perhaps upload and link here mission, where you see not working configs, so I could check, what is wrong?


Syncing is not necessary (code will recognize arty units autonomously), does no harm however too (unless it does, as code will try to synchronize each artillery group with spawne Arty module, perhaps this fails, if group is already synced with another logic object? Not sure). Artillery should fire, if there are met several conditions, described in manual. For example - friendlies could be too close to the enemy for shelling safely. Anyway, as above, you always may show me repro mission, then I'll investigate. Meanwhile you could check, if this mission will work for you, it is simpliest testing demo:

FAW_IF demo

Anyway, new version of A2 FAW is coming - just spotted some small code issues.

---------- Post added at 12:59 ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 ----------

FAW 1.31 released.


- minor code fixes.

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Well that was fast, nice to see such a great support :)

Anyway I learned where my issue is, I'm trying to use HAC and FAW hand to hand and it seems HAC overwrites the variables? Artillery is not in HAC control but still without it FAW works fine.

HAC didn't have variables to control the artillery so precisely like FAW does, which is why I tried to use both.

So does the same vars work straight with HAC or is it impossible to combine the best parts of each script?

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Thanks Foxhound. :)

I'm trying to use HAC and FAW hand to hand and it seems HAC overwrites the variables?

It is possible. Yes, some settings in HAC's arty handler are hardcoded, so can be changed only by direct script editing or have no use inside HAC. But still most of arty configs should recognize and use properly. Which - you should find in the last chapter of HAC manual (+ two, I forgot to mention in manual: RydART_FOAccGain and RydART_SpawnM). Note however, that there is no RydFAW_something but RydART_something for HAC's arty handler case.

As for overwriting... If for sure RydHQ_ArtyShells is set as 0 (RydHQ_ArtyShells = 0 - disabling HAC's arty handler), then I do not know, something is not working, as supposed. Otherwise - HAC arty handler works simultanously with FAW, what may cause odd things.

BTW - if HAC uses own arty handler, arty support is better coordinated, especially smoke and flares.

Edited by Rydygier

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Is there a way to execute this script for artillery units that respawn or are dynamically spawned mid game?   Currently when the existing artillery units die, they stop firing after respawn.  Also new artillery units that start mid game doesn't fire either.

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