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TrackIR not working properly

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I have an issue with TrackIR which apparently has not been documented so far.

When I turn my head, sometimes, the point of view is moving in the same direction, enough to collide with the border of the helicopter, which is very annoying.

This does not happen all the time, but quite often.

The very strange thing about it is that it looks like a TrackIR setup bug, but it is not. It only happens in ToH.

When the bug occurs, I can reproduce it as much as I want (by reproducing the same movement of my head), but when I alt-tab to the trackIR interface, there is no bug with it, the trackir is behaving perfectly (the head is turning with no significant change is the head position). If I come back to the game, the bug occurs again, until I recenter the trackIR, which usually solve, temporarily, the problem.

Has anyone had this problem? Any clue? Any solution?


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Check your key mappings and make sure that a Track-Ir value hasn't snuck in somewhere. Often when I am changing my bindings I forget I am wearing the track-ir and I accidently associate a head movement with a control - leading to some interesting results.

The fact that you can reproduce it every time suggests the track-ir is mapped to something it shouldn't be!

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Thanks, but no, this is not a key mapping problem.

This is very strange, just like if ToH was using its own trackir driver, which would be buggy, instead of getting data from the official trackir software. Does anyone from the development team read this thread?

The only solution I found so far is to block all translation axis, which is a pity...

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Any chance you could do a quick video of what you are experiencing and then I can try with my setup and see if I can replicate it.

The devs do read the forum and do respond.

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1. Map TrackIR to proper axes as you like in TKOH settings (main menu>options>controlls>all controls). You can assign TIR actions also by drag and drop actions from left window.

2. Adjust sensitivity curves in TrackIR software for each of 6 axes as you prefer.

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Unfortunately, it is not a Track-IR mapping problem either. I have double checked it and anyway, the bug occurs erratically, it does not look at all like a wrong key assignment.

Here is a video showing what happens:

http://www.yout...com/watch?v=mFyn_mpxnSA (please replace yout... by youtube, I did not want this video to be indexed).

And again, it is not a trackir setup problem. At the same time, with the same head movement on the trackir interface:

It should be also noted that the bug does not depend on the trackir camera position, and occurs with the clip and with the hat.

And interestingly, you could note that in the first video, the head goes far beyond the allowed limits for head translation (you cannot get this view with a head movement when the bug does not occur). I think it proves that the problem comes from the game itself.

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haltux - same thing here. I hadn't really paid it much attention before - as you do I regularly re-centre and just assumed I must be shifting my head.

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basicly right now TIR only work in roll pitch and yaw, X Y Z are just FUBAR in anyway without modding.

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  haltux said:

Here is a video showing what happens:

http://www.yout...com/watch?v=mFyn_mpxnSA (please replace yout... by youtube, I did not want this video to be indexed).

This cliping occurs if camera moves out of the helicopter interior model. This will happen when you offset your head from the original designed position too much.

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It is nice of you to answer, but it seems that you really do not want to understand, with all due respect.

I was _not_ offsetting my head _at all_ while shooting this video.

When I did the exact same movement in the trackIR interface, the X position of the point of view did not change _at all_ in the trackIR interface, as you can see in the second video.

In ToH itself, often (and in particular just after a recentring), the bug does not occur, and the exact same movement leads to a clean and expected head rotation, without translation.

Finally, please try, with a TrackIR with default setting, to reproduce what can be seen in the video and you will see that it is impossible, or at least it requires a silly head movement (unless you experience the bug as well).

I really don't know what to do to be more explicit. Do you want me to make a movie with myself and the game, so you can see by yourself that I am not translating my head when I am rotating it?

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Ok, voted for this ticket. It was only turning off the x & y axis that I realised what was going on and how it was affecting me.

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Yes. As soons as your head isn't center on XY or Z axes it's bugged. So it's not natual to look behind the chopper or.. check dead angle etc....


Edited by hon0

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I just flew (tested out trackir in arma II) an heavy helicopter in arma II and there the head movement was just perfect. I also get drunk when using TIR in the cockpit

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