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(solved) Shadow of the blade - cannot finish

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I did not finish one task (formation flight), the game let me play on and when it comes to enter my copter as last (?) task I can not do it. I see the wheel icon, but it is greyed out. Is this, because I did not finish one of the tasks?

Two sidequestions: is it possible to completely switch off the music other than setting the volume to zero in the settings?

Is there a key for external view?


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There is a control in the helicopter that looks like musical notes. Mouse over that control and select 'music off'. It will stay off.

You can assign external view to any key(s) (combinations) in the option menu under 'controls'. There are no other external views than the chase view that I'm aware of.

As for the campaign,

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Have you patched TKOH to the latest version? Patch 1.02 had some campaing fixes in it.

Edited by Max Power

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First, thank you for the quick reply!

  Max Power said:
There is a control in the helicopter that looks like musical notes. Mouse over that control and select 'music off'. It will stay off.

My problem was that I did not know that the icons which appear above swtiches have context sensitive options in the scroll menu. Now I got it and can switch it on and off as long as the batteries are on! Maybe it's the missing manual or that I am only a OPFP veteran and have never played games from the ARMA series.

  Max Power said:
As for the campaign, [..]
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  Max Power said:
Have you patched TKOH to the latest version? Patch 1.02 had some campaing fixes in it.

I have the latest official version (I have purchased the game via Steam and told it to keep it up to date.)

I really hope that more patches will come. It crashes often (maybe my harddisks are too slow) but it is the game I have waited for so long. I was always looking for some helicopter only sim and did not want to buy MS Flight Simulator X, as it seems to be too much a simulation. ToH reminds me of the good old days of Flight Unlimited II, where you could fly scripted Missions or do free flights in a limited area, where I was the one who decided about the difficulty.

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Meanwhile I finished the mission. After two reloads it worked. The icons went green and I could get into the copter.

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I feel your pain.

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If mission failure prevents the mission from finishing, it should end with a 'you lose' message, though. Maybe it's still a bug?

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Well, I saw that there are missions, where it is not necessary to accomplish all tasks.

And I think that I have now run into a bug during a sightseeing mission, when a task is completed, the next one is on the list, but the waypoint does not update. I think this will be something for the bugtracker. I can live with replaying missions if they are a bit buggy, but the frequent crashes are a bit disappointing.

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bah... same problem here... but I have succesfully completed all tasks... and still cannot enter the helo to head home :mad::mad::mad:

PS: Steam version

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Did you board any vehicles other than the ones assigned (should not be possible; all locked), or did you get back into a helicopter after getting out? (e.g. getting out of your Heavy, getting back in, and then getting into the Medium). We'd like to confirm a theory on what's happening.

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no, I did not board any other helos... I also did not re-enter any helo

Get in heavy @ larkin, land at show, board medium, complete all tasks, land, (try) enter heavy to go....

Stressed, I managed to finish the mission, tried 3 times doing the crazy formation flying...

Solution, I opened the side door on the LEFT side of the heavy, and there was about 1 mm space where I was given the option to board as pilot... apart from that I could open the other side door, and I could open the gear menu of the helo

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Solution, I opened the side door on the LEFT side of the heavy, and there was about 1 mm space where I was given the option to board as pilot... apart from that I could open the other side door, and I could open the gear menu of the helo

To locate the precise positions for getting in (or any other action) try using freelook (Alt). It will visualize all action positions on the object in 3D space. The side door on the left is where you get into the Heavy; as do pilots in equivalent real-life helicopters. There are no doors directly accessing the cockpit.

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  DnA said:
To locate the precise positions for getting in (or any other action) try using freelook (Alt).

This is a key, yet hidden, feature, especially for inspecting helis for damage. I happened on it once by chance, but couldn't figure out how I triggered it. Now I know.

A second wonderful, yet hidden, feature is using left shift+click on map to make a waypoint visible when flying, even on expert. :)

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IMO, a way to have a tempsave when replaying a mission should be implemented, so that you can save or suspend your game and return to it later without starting from scratch. That tempsave would have no effect on your overall campaign progress and finances.

Edited by OMAC

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From 1.03 changelog:

Memory scenarios can now be reverted to a savegame after failing a task.

Yeah. Thanks, BIS! :D

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