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Battlefields mission

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The Battlefields SP mission included in 1.30, is the first mission I've found that I just can't complete.

I've tried numerous different tactics:

staying and fighting.

Grabbing the vehicles and trying to out flank the enemy.

Rushing the enemy

Using the bush to hide & pick them off.

and ummmm even switched to cadet mode.......(hated saying that)

But in all cases I get the same result "YOU'RE DEAD"

So anyone been able to complete it ?

What pointers do you so I can improve my result.

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Let your squad do the assault on enemy trenches on their own. Then look out for a dead officer and pick the binocular.

At this point don't advance much, stay back and look for a sniper and his supporter on the western forest (the one to your left). You'll find him over the northern edge, close to an ammo box. Kill both of them and rush to grab the Dragunov (get ready to kick ass biggrin.gif )

Now you should have a great view of the battlefield. Just analyze the situation and choose a good place to snipe the the incoming russian forces (basically Spetz Natz troopers). Look out, they use to advance through the eastern forest.

If you find all enenies are done but mission does not end, just got a LAW and destroy any remainig enemy vehicles.

That worked for me,


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another trick: let your platoon kill most enemys at the barricades and pick up some laws from some dead guy. after a while youll see a mass amount of infantry coming right? fire a few law between them smile.gif i once got 8 kill from one law :cheesy:

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But did you finish the mission??? I was left with four AI's and leader AI just standing there after several waves of attacks then nothing. Think we got two or three all clears.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Bucko on 8:02 pm on Nov. 16, 2001

But did you finish the mission??? I was left with four AI's and leader AI just standing there after several waves of attacks then nothing.  Think we got two or three all clears.

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Yes I finished the mission. And got those two or three all clears myself.

I guess the winning conditions for this one are a "East not present" trigger, so once there're no more enemy troops look for any remaining vehicles, such a red cross BMP or a dissabled T72.

Usually, if you pick up a LAW or RPG, your leader will assign you a target. But you can try going to hunt them on your own (they maybe hidding on the forest).

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Rick Nieuwenhuis on 1:38 am on Nov. 16, 2001

another trick: let your platoon kill most enemys at the barricades and pick up some laws from some dead guy. after a while youll see a mass amount of infantry coming right? fire a few law between them smile.gif i once got 8 kill from one law :cheesy:

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Now, that's Kicking Ass! gonna try this as soon as I send this post :cheesy:

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In this mission, you HAVE to lead a large part, if you want to win easily.

With your greande launcher, run ahead of the attack until you're about 300m away from the BMP, then launch grenades at the enemy camp. All the russians are really close together, so you can easily kill everyone in the camp with 2 or 3 grenades. Now no NATO have died. But you're not done, yet.

Pick up an RPG, and take out that BMP Ambulance!!! Get 4 RPG rounds, and kill all the T72s and BMPs by yourself. If you still have RPGs left, then use them on the infantry.

Now almost 0 NATO have died. That's how I always do it. It's not really like being Rambo... It's more like assissting the attack by yourself.

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Finially finished it - problem originally was I saved at a point where we had taken the East barricades, but didn't note that my Bradley and Ab tank had already been destroyed. So each time I restarted the East assault with all it's armour was unstoppable, even with all the LAW/RPGs laying around.

Restarted and tryed again and completed it (in vet mode again smile.gif )

Finding the odd guy somewhere in the bush does take time and knowing about the snipper helps.

Thanks for the pointers.

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I finished, I really enjoyed it but the distances the fighting takes places on is to long. The key to victory in this mission is to pic up a binocular.

Score 4400 pts/// mission time 30 minutes (after several attempts)




BMP ambulance

Machine gunner




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I used a PK - much more fun biggrin.gif

(There was a destroyed Hind helicopter round behind the forest too. The crew were running around ok though - had to do the decent thing and finish them off... smile.gif



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Man, I LOVED this mission! It was so d*amn intense when a fight broke out over in the forest, my squad got massacred by those d*amn Spetznaz, though I managed to kill a few with my grenade launcher I found. Then I somehow creeped up behind a Ruskie sniper I located on a hill, killed him, and stole his SVD. Then I was picking off the remaining enemies.

Those Ruskies never seemed to stop coming! They had like five BMP's all together, and like four T-72's, and tons of infantry! It was a great level smile.gif

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I find myself playing this mission over and over again. It's my favorite mission. Revenge is also one of my fave's.

This is how I complete the mission: Ignore your commander and run towards the bushes. Fire your grenades at the soldiers to the left by the barricades. Pick of any survivors with your rifle. It's very easy to hit fellow soldiers running in front of you, so be carefull. When your platoon has finished of the remaining enemies and the bmp, make sure you find a rpg/law, and hide in the bushes beside the brdm (alternatively you can grab a machine gun and start firing at the advancing enemy before you take the law/rpg. When the tank and brdm advance try to take out the brdm's first. Try to take more rpg rockets from the crate in front of you and finish of the t-72 if it hasn't been destroyed yet. Then it's business as usual.

When most of the enemies are dead you can consentrate on the sniper.

I wish there were more missions like Battlefield and Revenge. They are by far the best. Infantry missions are the ones bringing out the best in this game!!!

(Edited by brgnorway at 2:16 am on Nov. 20, 2001)

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Now that I'm tackling this mission again and again I really like it, however the tracers really bug me, makes it seem like star wars. But interested in the warning recommendingthe use of 1G CPUs for this mission, I;m running on a 700 and it's fine.

Agreed Revenge was a similar type of scenario that I enjoyed.

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Personally, I love how the tracers look in this mission. It just looks like a huge firefight, which in fact it is smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from ufo hk on 2:38 am on Nov. 20, 2001

Now that I'm tackling this mission again and again I really like it, however the tracers really bug me, makes it seem like star wars. But interested in the warning recommendingthe use of 1G CPUs for this mission, I;m running on a 700 and it's fine.

Agreed Revenge was a similar type of scenario that I enjoyed.

<span id='postcolor'>

I run ofp on a 733 mhz. At the start of the mission it works slowly for a second or two, then it works perfectly!

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its easy, i just camped behind the BRDM after taking the wire and sandbag line, and took out the incoming armor (single T-72 and 2 or 3 BMP's/-2s) one by one...the infantry take ages to get to you at the wire-sandbag line.

I got so good at this mission I've managed to get the Abrams and the Bradley to stay outta trouble and they sit there and shoot the incoming troops...one time the Abrams was hit hard, killing the gunner and probably the others also...so I got in the thing driving it. with manual fire, just used Heats on the russians...I drove right up to em and kept blasting them...what bulls**t hehe...so Its just great fun when you master it.

So yeah, use the RPG tactic, then you if you can keep the friendly armor alive, go behind them...

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"At this point don't advance much, stay back and look for a sniper and his supporter on the western forest (the one to your left). You'll find him over the northern edge, close to an ammo box. Kill both of them and rush to grab the Dragunov (get ready to kick ass biggrin.gif ) "

Bah! sniping? no way...piss weak for this battle...do what I did! charge like #### and pick up an russian RPG then use the ammo crates to smother the incoming russians...spam them with RPGs

I've pummled  and routed the russian infantry teams so many times...so funny...you aim in the middle of the formation and take out 5 or 6 with the RPG blast..then the Officer and two soldiers on the wings retreat LOL!


I agree with you that the sniper needs to be taken down, he wont hit you with my RPG strategy, because you are to the far right (edge) of the fortified line...but he will kill Americans to the far left...so he has to be incapacitated.

(Edited by fixOPFsoundsplease at 6:35 am on Nov. 20, 2001)

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I think my approach was a combination of the above:

Peg it toward the barricades, letting of a few grenades when in range.

Once at the fences clear up any dregs before arming yourself with an RPG and crouching down behind the ammo crates.

Get off as many shots as you can (into troops the BMPs whatever) before things start to get intense.

Jump in the BRDM and high tail it for the hills...drive over the machine gunner in the bush and the sniper.

Clear up with the Druganov, gradually moving down the slight ridge to get angles (but watch out for the Spetz Natz on your left).

Overall a superb mission...all the missions I create with the editor now involve multi squad assaults...Tank platoon, and 5 infantry squads (one mech) against the north east village in kogujev at dawn...machine gun implacement at the front, infantry in the village, tank platoon, shilka, and a bunch of mech infantry in a camp out the back.

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Finally finished it and ended up being the last man standing. They got to be barracades but I had the Sniper rifle. Man, it's tough and fun!!!

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