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WW4 modpack 2.5 sound replacement mod

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WW4mod25 sound replacement mod v1.1


I decided to release my WW4 sound replacement mod. This addon will replace all the WW4 modpack 2.5 weapons, hits, fly, ricochet but reload sounds by entirely new HD sounds. It makes the weapons, hits, fly and ricochets sound punchy, badass and realistic. I hope you will like it.



List of replaced weapons sounds:

- M16 serie
- M4 serie
- M16 SD serie
- M4 SD serie
- MP5
- MP5 SD
- M249
- M249 SD
- M60
- M240
- M24
- M40
- SR25 SD
- M82
- AKM & AKS & AKAB serie
- AK SD serie
- Groza serie
- RPK47
- RPK74
- RPK74 SD
- V94
- AK47 serie
- FAL serie
- LR300 serie
- SG552 serie

I wanted to use a specific sound for nearly each weapons but a lot of them are using the same magazine then some weapons have the same sound. For MP compatability purpose I kept the original WW4 mags system as it is. I also didn't replaced handgun and launcher sounds since they use vanilla ofp sounds. None of the reload sounds have been replaced because they are already very good.


Addon name: WW4mod25 HD sound replacment mod
Version: 1.1
By: Nikiller
Contact: [email protected]

1.1 (10-Nov.-2011)
- Fixed missing M16SD Burst sound
- Overall quality improvment
1.0 (01-Nov.-2011)
- First release

- OFP 1.96 or CWA (ofp 1.99)
- WW4 modpack 2.5 (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=124403)

This addon will replace all the WW4 modpack 2.5 weapons, hits, fly, ricochet but reload sounds by entirely new HD sounds. It makes the weapons, hits, fly and ricochets sound punchy, badass and realistic. I hope you will like it.

ww4_sounds.pbo (addon)
WW4mod25_sound_mod.txt (readme)

- Browse to C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\@ww4mod25\addons
- Make a backup of ww4_sounds.pbo, rename it for example by old_ww4_sounds
- Put the new ww4_sounds.pbo in C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\@ww4mod25\addons
- Enjoy!

- Audacity
- Free Mp3 Wma Converter
- OFPSoundLab

I will probably update the pack when WW4modpack 3.0 will release.

This is NOT an official Addon. You know the drill! Use it at your own risk.




Edited by Nikiller
Added MIRROR BY OFPR.info link

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Thanks Nikiller! Will definitely put it in mine WW4 modfolder when I'll get my speakers working :p

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New version release (v1.1). First post download link updated. Changelog in the new readme. Have fun ;)

Thanks for trying it guys. I need feedbacks and opinions to improve this sound mod.

It should be the final version for ww4modpack 2.5. I will update it for 3.0 now.

Howto: Replace the old WW4 sound replacement pbo by the new one.



Edited by Nikiller

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I found a bug, the FN-Fal single has a silenced sound, full auto is good.

Nevermind, i found out what was causing this.

It was a missing W in the config.cpp from the ww4_magazines.pbo

Instead of sound[]={"\WW4_Sounds\sounds\M14Fire.wss",db0,1};

it was sound[]={"\W4_Sounds\sounds\M14Fire.wss",db0,1};

It`s all right now.

Love the sounds btw.

Thanks for your work on this Nikiller.

Edited by Jur1974
Problem found and solved

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Good job, really nice sounds now, I guess the M249 and M240 sound a little dizzy now but well, the rest of the pack has quality. D.

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Thanks you guys for opinion and feedback. This is my first public addon and I'm glad you enjoy it. I hopefully will do better job for the next release (it should be with WW4modpack 3.0 now). Thanks again and have fun.



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I tested them and they sound great, however, there are some inconsistencies in the volume of some sounds, like the AK series sounding very loud compared to the RPK series (If it's meant that way, then nevermind :P)

But those are details, overall they are very atmospheric and really adds to the feeling in the firefights

Edited by NacroxNicke

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Does anyone have version 1.1 available perhaps? Both links are unfortunately dead, and the link provided by zulu1 only contains version 1.0.

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