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OK one more thingy: Gov mission - Help Coast Guard Track Boat

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OK, this last one is crazy.

Started out at just about dark. Got out there and it's pitch black.

Fortunately the instruments on the light heli are illuminated when you turn on the nav lights.

Using the landing light as a spot light I managed to find the boat.

Hovered around till down to less then 1/4 tank left and the Coast Guard didn't even move to intercept. I guess they can't see in the dark. Even when I was telling and showing them where the boat was.

Now, I figured, screw this. I'm going home. Flight by instrument to get back and I noticed the land is lit up a little. Nice visuals there BIS. Also nice landing/taxi lights too.

Now my heli is sitting by the gas pump and I'll refuel it tomorrow and go see if things change. It looks like I need a way out of this mission. Where is the abort mission?

By the way, the boat must have run out of fuel because it stopped dead in the water. But no Coast Guard coming to arrest. :j:

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I already said it stopped dead in the water.

But no Coast Guard ships are moving to intercept or arrest.

That's the problem, they aren't doing their thing to end the mission.

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When you are near enough a progress bar will appear in the upper right corner. Once it reaches 100% there will be a radio message that the criminals have stopped and you can return to the Heliport.

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If I get within 290 feet, the guy on the boat start shooting at me. Of course, he appears to be shooting blanks. I never have noticed any damage to my heli.

But nothing happens, I chalked it up as bugged. And reverted back to base. Took a different mission. This time the boat chase, only one Coast Guard boat of three chased the bad guy.

One thing for sure, all that hovering about has increased my cool landings a lot. :)

By the way... At night time the heavy heli has illuminated instruments too. But there is no way the player can turn them on. Tom must do it automatically. But at least we can fly at night.

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He doesn't shoot blanks. You can hear supersonic bullet cracks :) He doesn't seem to hit anything though. But then again I tried to avoid going heads on with the guy.

I'm going to play this again to see if he can kill me :D

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He's firing live rounds, I think he's scripted to be wildly inaccurate. I've had bullet impacts on the chopper in the mission, but never actually had Tom get hit. If you look at him firing, though, his upper body is all over the place while he's firing - I guess that's realistic-ish for trying to hit a helicopter from the back of a moving speedboat, but it looks weird.

Personally, I'd like to see the PiP work without sucking up 15fps so I could try this mission at night time. It never caused any slowdown in the community preview, so I was pretty excited about it in ToH. Real bummer that it causes a much more dramatic performance hit here.

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OK, I give up on this mission.

I did a big search around the search area and cant find anything.

Just what boat am I looking for and how can I tell it is the right boat. I am getting no instructions from anyone during my search. The boats with a blue CG symbol over them are what I assume are the CG boats so that ain't them? Any help here?

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You need the normal camera. FLIR doesn't work. Strangely the image on the screen in the Heli is a whot FLIR image ...

I guess it's a bug.

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Actually the image in the PIP looked normal here (not WHOT). Gonna have to give the mission a go again to see if I can track them down

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I mean on the screen IN the heli not the PiP you can enable via action menu

€: seems I was wrong. Sorry.

€2: No I wasn't. as soon as the boat is spotted the camera switches to WHOT FLIR wtf?

Edited by Derbysieger

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I haven't had to use the camera or FLIR for this mission, usually you can spot the boat wake from the speedboat, it'll be the only one with a wake since the rest of the boats are dynamically generated and basically static.

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I could only play the mission after I bought the camera as far as I remember... Maybe you can fly the mission without the camera after you bought it idk.

I didn't use the camera to spot the boat. As you said the wake is perfectly visible from a distance. But I like the feature. Especially with the screen in the Heli.

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I finally found it. I was expecting the boat to be about the same size as the other boats in the area and it was a heck of a lot smaller :). Unfortunately last night I was messing around and somehow reverted back to the beginning of the campaign and have to do everything over :(.

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  Gabe_Ruckus said:
I think he's scripted to be wildly inaccurate.

How is this done, technically? Something that could apply to A2/OA units? Don't have TAKOH yet.

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How is this done, technically? Something that could apply to A2/OA units? Don't have TAKOH yet.

Hadn't looked this up in a while, but I found it!


This command lets you individually set skill parameters for units since Arma1. You can individually set AimingAccuracy and AimingShake for a unit with these commands. The way the upper torso of the shooter is moving around, I suspect BIS just set both of these to very low values and used attachto to stick the guy on the back of the boat.

unitName setSkill [type, skill]

shooter setSkill ["aimingAccuracy", .05]

shooter setSkill ["aimingShake", .05]

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Did this mission too and it was a bit inclear indeed. I was also waiting for the Coastguard. Lucky I looked to the task before and saw that you can stop the boat by hovering. So after 10 min i tried that and the mission was finished.

My guess it is a bug and should be looked into to give it chasing coastguard ships.

Other then that the mission is fun

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The coastguard will chase the boat. I played this 5 times. 4 times I stopped the boat. The 5th time I intentionally didn't stop the boat to see what happens. After ~20min one of their ships caught up and took care of the criminals.

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