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Taxiing in ToH posible?

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Hello there,

I wonder if it´ll be possible to taxi with wheeled Choppers like the Merlin.

I tried taxiing in the hope of animated and rotating wheels, but it doesnt seem to be working. So can we have hope to get it working at all later? I mean such an advanced engine should actually enable taxiing like aircrafts do, or do I thinking in a wrong way?

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I haven't tried it but I thought I saw a wheel break toggle in the options menu. I might check it out.

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You can taxi in helicopters in real life. Where it's also possible to taxi with skids, Air taxi is quite common also, see here:

You just apply the correct ratios.

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You can taxi in helicopters in real life. Where it's also possible to taxi with skids, Air taxi is quite common also, see here:

You just apply the correct ratios.

There are not much choppers (in Vanilla Game) which have the ability to taxi like fixed wings. The ones I am talking about is currently the Merlin and may be would be the Blackhawk.

I know about Air taxi, which is quite usual for Helos with Skids, but all wheeled ones do sometimes taxiing to their take off / parking Position.

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I haven't tried taxiing yet, but landing and rolling with the heavy is possible.

Need to try again once I am back from work, last time when I tried today it doesnt worked. I just snaped over in forward direction when I was trying to "move" forward on ground.

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I know now how to taxi with wheeled choppers.

Engine(s) need to be on idle, then press right ctrl and w, which releases the wheel brakes. Then, by moving the stick forward (or w,s,a,d) one can "Taxi" with the chopper (also use propper keys or axis for the yaw to trun left or right).


Thanks BIS

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