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error message on start

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very looking forward to trying this beta out. set freedownloadmanager tyo download files while i went to work. get home. all 100% done. I install, no problem, serial OK as well. but when i push start i get error message

Data file too short' addons\air_h.pbo'. expected 107075068 B, got 54143269 B

is there any way to do checksum check on downloaded files? can that sprocket downloader do that? if so where'd i put the downloaded files in relation to the downloader?


edit ok found where sprokect keeps files - in username/mydocuments/sprocket

but the sprcoket downlaod just deletes files and starts redownloading at 28kb/s whereas suing freedownlaod manager gives me 875Kbs.

Edited by twisted

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I have the same problem with the water pbo. Boo!

EDIT: The sprocket download just says that the game is finished downloading - so the checksums aren't working. I'll try reinstalling.

Edited by WhiskeyTango

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Had the same for for another file.

What i did was to make sure the files were still in the same sprocket download folder.

For me: "C:\Users\"username"\My Documents\Sprocket\"

Deleted the small md5 files but left the others alone. (Also made a backup of all the files, just in case).

Then starting the sprocket download manager, it would check the files to see if they are alright.

For me it would download a few bytes of one of the files, as if it wasn't completely downloaded. And that was it.

Installing it this time directly from that folder, and problem was gone.

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is there any way to do checksum check on downloaded files?


there are many tools around to do that but freedownloadmanager (fdm) can do that for you, too:

- select the downloaded file in the fdm

- right-click -> 'Advanced' -> 'Check file integrity' (shortcut should be Shift + I)

- Algorithm: MD5

- get the checksums from http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=2032190&postcount=76

- paste the checksum according to the selected file in the checksum field

- click [Check]

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awesome. thanks. it was beta03 that did not match. redownloading now!

by the way sprocket downloader just hung my whole pc while checking the files. generated md5 for up to beta2 then goes unrespinsive.

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