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Pilot point of view too high

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Anybody that think that the view of the pilot is too high

can you go to toh-cit page and add +1 to the issue please, so it might be solved thanks

It is annoying not to be able to fly with the instruments properly, as the view is set to high and we are not able to down it ( the zoom or advance does not permit the correct view of the pannel as you have in RL). as well as the fact that it is hard to look outside the pilot door as the airframe is annoying the view a bit.

We have control to move the point view all direction works except lowering it.

I personally think the view should be lowered by at least half a head size

I've sat in a md500 several times and in-game there is no way to get the feeling of the proper view of the cockpit, for me just too high.

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Well, how tall are you?

I think the men in ArmA are around six feet tall or just over. I am assuming that these men in Take On CP are based on the same model. I think the camera for these guys is around eye height for them, though.

I'm only commenting on the reason why the view in Take On might be higher, not issuing an opinion on your ticket.

In ArmA 2 I find it's difficult to get a good view of the instruments on most aircraft. I think the model of the soldier in ArmA is taller than the average pilot IRL.

Edited by Max Power

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might be due to the fov, I dont know...

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I agree, with trackIR if you look to the left you will see the upper door frame. To adjust the seat virtually down would be nice, independent of the question how tall the virtual pilot is.

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Set the player's head height under Profile or Game Settings? It'd be a nice, simple little feature for those without TrackIR (i'd guess the majority).

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I can only comment for A2, where the models are 1.8m high, and the eye point is set somewhere around 1.70m. I assume it is the same for the Tkoh. Now, there could be a problem with where the pilot proxie is placed, although i wonder/doubt about it.

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effectively same annoyance in Arma2 cars, where you can't see the road you are turning on to at all ...

I have to add that in the hd500 it is a bad example as your eyes are just under the top of the door, even if irl it is easy to glimpse above (hard in game).

My point is more for the way you look at the instruments, as it is you cannot read the needles pos without using the zoom..

and if you more the POV forward a bit, to have the ability to monitor the panel properly, you cannot look left without having your head popping outside of the door which is nice for outside referencing a sling load, so it is only fine if you have no door, a good hint for me too say, it will be nice to be able to take the door out, instead of picking up a chopper without one.

That said if we could move the POV down as well ( we already can in all other dir) it'll be good to have.

Edited by ocramweb

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