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lao fei mao

Will the fast SSD boost a holy big island out?

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I've noticed the SSD prices have been keeping slashing this year, and the traditional HD prices are touching the bottom line. So I guess the SSD persuading time is coming.

Currently a 300$ SATA3 SSD could have 400M+ read speed, PIC-E SSD are even faster but more expensive.

As a hard-core fans, I have been expecting a detailed holy big island, may I say "100KMX100KM between 1000KMX1000KM"?

So here is my question, if there is a such big island detailed like Chernarus or Takistan, how fast a SSD must be ? Could it be achieved in ArmA3 era?

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As others have mentioned when using SSD's for the game, the object and such will load much faster/smoother during streaming. It won't necessarily make your FPS better, but LOD's and object drawing will be much visually improved, so if you can afford it...go for it, and just about any decent SSD will do.

If you go the route vfn4i83 linked, or other PCI-E SSD devices, check compatibility between your mobo and such devices as some BIOS software have troubles recognizing or working properly with them as they are fairly new and not every BIOS is fully supporting them at the moment.

edit: Additionally I'd like to say stay away from the IoDrive in that link.....that is WAY too expensive when you have the Revo Drive available for much, MUCH less.

Edited by Steakslim

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.uh, ArmaA3 is still far away.... in which the speeds/capabilities of SSD's will surely increase by then.

Let's wait and see.

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I think the OP was asking if having an SSD would help with larger maps...?

I don't think so. As stated, the SSD will help with data streaming but has no connection with island size.

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.uh, ArmaA3 is still far away.... in which the speeds/capabilities of SSD's will surely increase by then.

Let's wait and see.

This of tenchars.

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Yep I'm saving my money for a new rig for A3. I will be running 1-2 decent video cards and an SSD drive for my games.

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