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Warfare missions... requesting a mod that fixes an "issue"

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I really enjoy playing warfare missions (e.g. War Welcome), especially in coop mode with my friend. But since we're only 2 people, we have to rely on AI to fill up the game. My problem is that after some time into the game (30 min to 1 hour), the AI begins to spam APCs and Tanks, completely ignoring other light vehicles and most importantly INFANTRY. It makes the game kinda repetitive and pretty easy, since all we do at that stage is to equip our squads with javelins and then blow vehicles up from across the map. I no longer move in fear, constantly scanning the surrounding in fear of an infantry ambush (vehicles are much easier to spot and hear) and I no longer have to think about getting the right balance of troops: I just spam AT units.

So I was wondering if anyone was willing to tweak the warfare mode - maybe in the form of a mod - to prevent the AI from spamming APCs and tanks later in the game, and change the balance of units to having mostly infantry, fewer APCs and light vehicles and even fewer tanks (I would do it myself but I don't know how to).


EDIT: oops, seems like I should have posted this in the addon request thread. I'll repost this there. Sorry for not reading the stickey's before posting. Moderators please close/delete this thread

Edited by kyfohatl

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I want you to whip yourself with sticks of limp celery whilst repeating "I must post in the correct thread"!

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I want you to whip yourself with sticks of limp celery.....

Celery, are you okay or did he whipped too hard?

Sorry, i know this is rather trolling but i couldn't resist on this one, hope you forgive me and don't want me to whip myself with limp celery.

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I want you to whip yourself with sticks of limp celery whilst repeating "I must post in the correct thread"!

I want to spank YOU in the bum for spamming BI forums!

Edited by kyfohatl

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