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Installing mods?

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I downloaded a couple of All-included mods for Vietnam war, I followed the instructions creating a shortcut for the ArmA2 exe and adding the -mod:xxx thingie. But that not work, when I click on the shortcut I get a default ArmA2 game without the new units or islands. Can someone please tell me how to properly install a "all-included" mod?


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It's -mod=xxx and not -mod:xxx

And for more information about installing mods (and any other question that might rise), you might want to take a closer look at this.

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I have both ArmA2 and OA, so I need to create a folder called mods? or addons? and inside that the folder with the mod name?

Is a bit confusing mate!

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You create a folder in your ArmA 2 directory:

D:\Program files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@myModOne

@myModOne is the folder you create. You're free in naming it whatever you want. It is common practice to use the @ for better overview in the Windows Explorer as they are listed then all on the top.

Inside this new folder you create another folder, it's name has to be "addons":

D:\Program files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@myModOne\addons

All .pbo files go into this addons folder.

Now you have 2 ways:

Either ingame go to the Expansions menu and activate this modfolder (it's presence should be recognized automatically) and then restart ArmA 2 (changes will be stored so you wont have to activate it manually at each start).

Or you make a shortcut with -mod parameter:


You can create multiple modfolders and load them as you need them:


This way you could create multiple shortcuts on your desktop, each calling a different modset. Might be useful to organize mods by server you visit regulary or by type of addons/mod (Air stuff into one, vehicles into another...up to you to get organized).

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Shameless promotion :p:) .... but true.

:D Just jumped on the wagon :D

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