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reaper lok

Combining ArmA II & OA for CO

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I have read the sticky, I have searched and found the sticky....my issue is I cannot work out how to combine ArmA II with Operation Arrowhead so my ArmA II Launcher can play them as Combined Ops.

I have the game (purchased from the local store with both discs), not from STEAM etc, etc.

Can anyone explain in basic terms how I can do this.......please try not to jump all over this thread with comments such as "use the search function n00B' or "post in the correct section n00b"....thanx in advance.

New to ArmA series, just looking for a helpful hint (opens himself up to a string of witty one liners) ;)

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For example:

install arma 2 in c:\arma 2 then install Op. Arrowhead in the same folder c:\arma 2. Patch the game to 1.59 and lunch with oa.exe.

Go to campaigns you should have 4 campaigns:harvest red, op arrowhead, eagle wing, ion demo. Lunch editor check maps list:utes,chernorus,desert,takistan,zagrabad,shapur etc. If you have that allcongratulations :) you now have Arma 2 CO.

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I will try this tonight, thank you so much for taking the time to reply :)

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Im not sure if you must du that but if game dont start du this -> after you insall arma 2 run the game, and after that install OA and run the game tugether as CO.

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As mentioned install A2 first and run it. When you go to install OA it should detect your Arma 2 installation and install into the correct directory. I know when I downloaded from sprocket there was some registry error that caused OA to not recognize the A2 files and therefore wouldn't combine. If you run across this issue which I doubt you will, search around for the registry fix in the forums.

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Odd, never thought this could cause anyone problems, each time i reinstall the games i go A2, OA, DLCs, patch and all is setup for fun.

All in the same folder offcourse.

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If I were you I'd just install Spritied Machine's ArmA II Launcher.

Yup, handy tool to combine game into CO and launch addons

and another great tool is - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=118605&highlight=updater

it will also combine game, lets you download addons as well as update them

whenever an update has been released for mod you have in use:)

giude of how to use it - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=123551&page=2

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