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SimpleOps - COOP 16 - MSOv3.4+

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I have been tinkering with the MSO v3.4 map and adding my own touch to it. I have added in some more tidbits to make this map a very nice 'dynamic world' in which you can go out and do multiple squad-sized missions from a single centralized base. My intention was to create an "open world" environment in which myself and my friends (usually only 3 or 4 of us) could coop and do so at our own pace. We wanted unpredictability in our missions and a focus on the foot soldier aspect of battle (not tanks, planes, bombers, etc)


You start at the main airstrip which is the US base of operations. It is a living, breathing, base complete with all the tools needed to complete your mission objectives, which you make up based on the intel given to you. Maybe you want to recon a sector, or attack a terrorist cell, or ambush a convoy... you decide and take your squad mates (AI or Human) with you.

Getting to and from areas on the map is part of the whole concept of SimpleOps. With the randomly spawning AI, you never know when you will run into an enemy squad. You are never 'safe'

Already in MSO v3.4

- Persistent player location, even through multiple sessions (always pick the same soldier when entering server)

- Dynamic air and sea traffic

- Dynamic civilians

- Civilian police and medical

- Civilians and Enemy AI use and occupy buildings

- Enemy convoys

- Terrorist cells spawn and recruit civilians

- Randomly spawning enemy AI squads

SimpleOps inclusions;

- Added numerous non-attack vehicles, helicopters, and planes at base

- Added more base defenses

- Added more recruitment options

- Increased squad size to 10 (player + 9 AI)

- Added more CAS options including Med-Evac (access via communication menu)

- Added ability to call in missile strike (access via radio menu, Laser designator required)

- Added more building supplies to build FARPS

- Added more fixed weapons to be used in FARPS

- Team 'rewards' (non-respawn attack vehicles) for clearing of certain areas of the map. Some areas of map marked (?) as places worth scouting, but there are even more not marked.

- Added random enemy AI hunt-squads spawn through-out map (multi-time spawn). The more populated the areas you visit, the greater the chance a random squad will hunt you. They may show up many minutes after you have reached your destination making defensive structures more of a necessity while away from your base.

- Added random enemy AI defend-squad (1-time spawn only). The more populated the areas you visit, the greater the chance a random squad will be defending. Make sure to clear buildings as they will be hiding, not out in the open.

- Added chance of suicide bombers in populated areas

- Added ability to HALO from base (speak with officers)

- Moved Logbook ability (speak with officers)

Download SimpleOps v1

CBA addon is required

I take no credit for the scripts or MSO. All I did was combine what some other smart individuals created.

Guided missle strike script - Created by: Venori

Suicide bomber script - Created by: kylania

Spawn... scripts - Created by: kylania

HALO script - Created by: kylania

Edited by TMcArthur

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Looks/sounds great I will be giving it a go right now. Good to see MSO getting more use!

Just checked and there is no PBO? I have not encountered this yet Is it possible to install

or do I need to make it a PBO somehow?

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My apologies... I edit/tweak it so much I tend to leave them in non-PBO format. You can just place the folders in your MPMissions directory. No need to compile them into a PBO that I know of.

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I PBO'ed the files anyhoo and its running great so far! Manic on Zaragbad* though. :)

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Great to see MSO being used for this sort of thing. Looking forward to giving this a go.

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My apologies... I edit/tweak it so much I tend to leave them in non-PBO format. You can just place the folders in your MPMissions directory. No need to compile them into a PBO that I know of.

I wonder if it's faster or slower if it's in non-compiled format.

I've never tried to test the differences tbh.

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I don't believe there is any difference. The pbo is just a package. Although it's technically possible to compress pbo's to reduce filesize, this seems to break most scripts. Rather unfortunate given the latest MSO is getting quite chunky.

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I don't believe there is any difference. The pbo is just a package. Although it's technically possible to compress pbo's to reduce filesize, this seems to break most scripts. Rather unfortunate given the latest MSO is getting quite chunky.

If your scripts break when they get PBO'd, your either using a program that's not making the PBO properly or there's something severly wrong with your scripts.

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Although it's technically possible to compress pbo's to reduce filesize....

Normal pbo'ing breaks nothing. Compressed pbo no workee.

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Normal pbo'ing breaks nothing. Compressed pbo no workee.

didn't know there was a different pbo style. I use cPBO to create my pbos.

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Thanks for the mission, I think Im going to check it out now actually.

I use pboview on the subject of pbo. Never tried compressing one tho.

edit: can I remove the CBA Required from the mission without breaking it?

I have CBA running on the server obviously

Edited by Sleep

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The MSO devs are working on a CBA addon free version but for now there's quite a lot of MSO that uses CBA.

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We managed to remove it with no issues, well none that we noticed.

This mission is tough as nails also even with 25% enemy pop.

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Oh I see, the CBA required module from the map? Yeah, removing that won't break the mission at all. But you risk clients joining without CBA installed and then finding some of the client side functions not working. It might only be minimal impact on the player, but if you notice weird behaviour that could well be what causes it.

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After Action report - August 14, 2011

We are back on Takistan again, with the same mission as before; clean the country of the enemy insurgency. It has been months since we last laid foot on Takistan soil, so today our first goal was to setup a forward base to the East of Bastam, a central junction on the main highway running North and South through the country.

Conor gather his team, and a SpecOps equipped Humvee which we loaded into an Osprey. We kept the flight simple and safe, only entering enemy territory for the final 3km of the flight. Low and fast to within a click of our intended FARP. Just prior to slowing for a landing two enemy fuel trucks were spotted below. Where there is a fuel truck, there are vehicles around that require that fuel and they tend to have guns. To be safe, we circled around and dropped Conor and his team out the rear for a HALO insertion to clear the ground before setting the Osprey down long enough to drop the Humvee.

Conor and Co. were left to clear the FARP location while I returned to base to pickup a Chinook full of building supplies. It didn't take long before the two fuel trucks and another enemy vehicle were burning and I was already en-route with the supplies and my 9-man team as backup to Conor's. I took the same route ingress and all seemed good, even with Conor screaming in his mic, "taking fire!" Just as the wheels touched down, I began taking fire. My team bailed and out immediately began returning fire to a group of insurgents on the hillside to our East. Conor and his team joined in, and just as we confirmed the final kill, we began taking fire from the West!

For the next 10 minutes, my M249 was spitting flames and lead in all directions. Conor's Humvee took damage and the Chinook's engines were disabled too. We were 17 men in the middle of enemy territory with no way to escape and I was on my final 200rd box of ammo. We quickly setup the .50cal, motar, and bunkers to give us a fighting chance but soon after the waves of insurgents seemed to stop. We got lucky, with only a single friendly loss... Conor's medic.

Conor did get a ride back to base where he picked up Steve Taylor who was coming back on tour as well. Conor & Steve flew in enough supplies to repair both damaged vehicles and fresh ammo for everyone. We were back in business just in time for Intel of a terrorist cell near Nur... about 3km North-West of our location. We piled into the chopper, again flying fast and low while avoided populated areas, landing about 1.5km South of Nur on the rocky hillside. I left two men with the chopper and joined forces with Steve, Conor & his team.

We approached Nur from the south and easily spotted the target from a click out. Heck, those bastards were dancing on the roof-top! They may as well put neon lights out advertising "we are open". We could have called in a cruise missile strike right there, but the need for a 'quieter' solution was requested by the suits watching from an air conditioned room back at base.

We approached from the South-East, as it had more tree cover, and planned to cut North-West through the abandoned buildings to hit the terrorists hard. But, just as we were 300 meters out, a woman steps out from cover. At first we thought it was a civilian, but we soon realized she was one of them, a watch-out for the terrorists. Steve and I flanked to the West to keep our eyes on her while Conor stayed on the planned route.

Conor continued his approach, quietly eliminating a few guards, then the woman, with his silenced rifle. Steve and I continued to give radio updates on the targets we were spotting. I stayed ready with my SAW ready to rain down lead and fire if anyone took actions against Conor or his squad, which didn't take long... A single soldier, resting against a rock wall *behind* Conor popped his head up. There was no time to make it a quiet kill, it had to be done now! He had the jump on Conor. The roar of my SAW to be heard across the city and all the bad-guys came out to investigate. Steve was yelling out the contacts as Steve and Conor's squad took them down one by one while I moved position to cover from a roof-top. They never saw it coming... a wall of lead knocked them all to the ground until no more movement was spotted.

It seemed all was settled after a few minutes of firing on them. I had the enemy compound in my sights, covering from a 3-story building 200 meters out. Steve was flanking to the South while Conor approached straight on. I was amped and ready to light them up but they were gone.. either dead or running... it's all the same to me.

We cleared the compound and began searching for the reported cache of weapons. Crates were found strewn about. It appeared to be an abandoned market-place. Only after I climbed up onto the roof-top that was being used as a dance floor did I spot the crates of weapons. A radio call went out and we converged on this roof-top to confirm the next action; Blow that shit up!

I called in my squad mates at the chopper who flew over to bring the satchels of explosives. Steve was hauling the crates off the roof-top while Conor and I stood below. A small object bounces at my feet...

The radio crackles, "Oh shit!"... It sounded like Conor's voice. I glance to my left, I see the object and in the millisecond it took to identify it as a grenade my body was already beginning to take motion. Were we like ants scattering from the beam of light coming to scorch our loved ones... only, I wasn't fast enough... I got scorched by a grenade that fell out of the crate (at least that is Steve's story), which came to rest near my feet.

I woke up later that day in the infirmary... Heck... I've had worse. That stinking little pineapple isn't going to send me home in a bag. I'm already feeling better and ready to take on another mission right now! Well, maybe tomorrow... this morphine is kickin my ass!

PS - I hear they named the FARP after me. FARP McArthur... it's got a ring doesn't it?

Edited by TMcArthur

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