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Folders in MPMissions creates hierarchy in Mission List

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For example if you create a folder in MPMissions named 'Warfare' and another named 'Domination'. Then you put all the versions of Warfare in its folder + all the versions of Dom in its folder the rest of the normal coops where they normally would be (MPMissions). When selecting a mission in MP you can navigate the folders in the "Mission" side of the screen. Looking something like:


<<New - Editor>>

<<New - Wizard>>



Coop GameExOne

Coop GameExTwo

This will organize/make it easy to run servers that have tons of missions.

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That's how SP works but I'm not sure if the MP server admin panel has support for that? Sure the hosting screen does, but from a dedicated server does it?

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Just checked right now, nope. Got all excited for a sec there because I just thought of it, didn't know SP does that. ;)

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SP works that way only for completed SP games. Sadly the only way to manage SP editing missions is by using separate profiles - not very optimal to say the least.

I would like to have directories per island, and user made directories within that. In my own profile, I now have only 245 missions, and that's after getting rid of all the extracted SP and campaign missions.

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Huh? What's a "completed" SP game? I downloaded 9 new SP missions from BTK this afternoon. I dumped them, unplayed, into E:\CO\Missions\BTK and under Singleplayer -> Scenarios there was a BTK... listing and double clicking that brings you to another level of missions with all 9 missions listed there. Didn't start any of them or anything. Maybe I'm not understanding what you're talking about?

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I always make new folders for sp/coop in missions folder: I44, CWR2, Unsung, fdf, csla, racs, or pack for island for example Duala sp mission pack etc.

I have ~800 missions so its easy for me to find them if they are sorted this way (or change them if new version is coming). I dont like one very big list with couple houndrets of missions ;)

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@kylania: Lol, sorry. With completed I mean pbo'ed missions that go into the SPMissions directory and subdirectories. However, I never play from here, I extract to profile\missions, and play from the editor :)

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