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Sounds change based on inside buildings or out

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so i skimmed through all 17 pages and never found this covered, sorry if i missed it.

I feel arma 3 gaming experience would greatly improve with a lesson from battlefield bad company 2. if you shoot a gun in a building, it will have a sound quite different then outside, and it all depends on structure of the building (concrete, wood, thatched, ect...) i would be happy with even just one sound for all structures, but idealy shooting in a wood house sounds alot different then shooting in a concrete building.

that is my main point, i would also like to see more in doors close combat, arma 2 OA was pretty much 100% out door long range (i remember when i started out just sitting on a mountain range with the .50 clearing whole AO's). i would like to enter big buildings and clear from room to room using proper tactics (whatever that may involve, silencers and room by room, or with concussion grenades and a rush). going along with that i would like to see civilians inside AO's and buildings, i want it so the A-10 wont just level the AO's then the foot soldiers mop up. i want laser marking to be proper, foot soldiers on the ground have to check for civis and if there are any they must either draw enemy away for air support, or used ground tactics to take out the enemy. (i also think that if foot soldier lasers a target and A-10 drops a bomb killing civis, it should count against the person who lased the target, not the A-10 pilot)

as stated in god knows how many posts, the rag dolls still need work (which i am well aware you have not added weights and i know you will fix), steel crates dont fly when a truck hits them, the shift and dent and the truck crumbles... :D but with that i said, you should add damage to your vehicle when you hit something like that! and truck cant ram a container and 30MPH and drive away, and if that tank drove over that truck it would be almost flattened were the track went over.

I know that this is not going to change anything, but i personally want only real weapons that are made and can be used today. i have never been in to futuristic games and even though you not doing spacecraft and such, i still dont want to be shooting all prototype weapons and helis that are not even produced. i want to see apaches, blackhawks, hueys, abrams, humvees, m4's mk17's, scars, mp4's, remingtons, barrets, glocks, m9's. through in a honda civic with a spoiler just for fun :P i dont mind if the future weapons are there, and i vrs a guy in the Comanche with my apache, i just want the real weapons for me to play with. and in reality thats even more realistic, cause there are prototypes in use in war all the time,

i would also like to see your devs have fun, put a bunch of easter eggs around the map. i loved playing grand theft auto just to try and find them. it would give me something to do when im doing side missions and waiting for the next one to show up.

I really love the implementation of suspensions, and the map looks brilliant, great work! im buying a new computer just for this game :P I want to know not what the minimum requirements are, but i want a post for recommended requirements to run game max settings, i will build my computer to suit.

thank you for your time, if i think of something else i will post it, im off to do a shut down at a mine now so i can pay for said new computer.

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As far as sound goes, what you are asking is reverb. It's possible they could implement a feature like this, similar to what a mod group did with Chernarus, designating certain areas to have a particular reverb setting to create a better atmospheric soundscape. Perhaps they could implement a convolution reverb set in the game based on a similar idea. Realistic reverb applied to the sounds based on your surroundings, indoors or outdoors.

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Its not just reverb, its dynamic sound. Its alot more than just reverb and delay added to some parts of the map (i.e. setting inside buildings to have more reverb than outside etc)

Although this is a nice way of making a dynamic sound illusion i fear its not as good as dynamic sounds it self.

What we really need is for the arma sound engine to enable stereo support (thats not in .ogg format)

Just imagine 24-bit Stereo .wav was the minimum for Arma3 sound engine. It would be the best thing to happen to arma since......

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so i skimmed through all 17 pages and never found this covered, sorry if i missed it.
as stated in god knows how many posts, the rag dolls still need work

seems a little pointless to point out then, as you just said its been stated in many posts before and it's been answered a billion times with "Physics not finished.". infact one such thread has just been closed due to the lack of point and direction of the OP.

steel crates dont fly when a truck hits them, the shift and dent and the truck crumbles...

"Physics not finished"

you should add damage to your vehicle when you hit something like that! and truck cant ram a container and 30MPH and drive away

the devs specifically said that they are adding things to the game, not taking out anything. i'm sure you are familiar with ArmA2, in which if you hit an object at said speed, you wont come out unscathed.

i personally want only real weapons that are made and can be used today. i have never been in to futuristic games and even though you not doing spacecraft and such, i still dont want to be shooting all prototype weapons and helis that are not even produced

this is what mods are for and they will undoubtably be made. i understand you're just sharing your opinion here, and many others share the same view - they, on the other hand they tend not to make a brand new thread about it, when there is already an existing thread (see ArmA 3 -> General -> Futuristic weapons OMG). everything BIS have implemented that we have seen so far is very close to what we have achieved so far in military technology and wouldnt take a huge step forward in science to be able to produce.

i want to see apaches, blackhawks, hueys, abrams, humvees, m4's mk17's, scars, mp4's, remingtons, barrets, glocks, m9's.

today is your lucky day then son !! theres this game called ArmA2, dont know if you've heard of it - it has nearly all of these. no need to thank me.

i just want the real weapons for me to play with.

real weapons? so the TAR's and Commanche's only shoot blanks? FUCK !! i hate ArmA 3 omg im never goin to buy it in my life ever. /sarcasm

i would also like to see your devs have fun, put a bunch of easter eggs around the map.

what was you saying about realism ?

i want to know not what the minimum requirements are, but i want a post for recommended requirements to run game max settings

you wont see anything like this for atleast 10 months. atleast. optimisation is the last step any dev takes before game release, as there would be no point optimising the game and then throwing in shitloads of new graphical features etc.

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I have yet to see a physics engine in any game where a tank can drive over a vehicle and crush it as it would be in real life...when you find one let me know.

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seems a little pointless to point out then, as you just said its been stated in many posts before and it's been answered a billion times with "Physics not finished.". infact one such thread has just been closed due to the lack of point and direction of the OP.

i just want to help them create arma as best as possible, so i give my suggestions. as for repeating, sorry! please forgive me, but the squeaky wheel gets the grease

the devs specifically said that they are adding things to the game, not taking out anything. i'm sure you are familiar with ArmA2, in which if you hit an object at said speed, you wont come out unscathed.

I meant more, visual damage, i assumed they would continue with the scheme they had in arma 2

this is what mods are for and they will undoubtably be made. i understand you're just sharing your opinion here, and many others share the same view - they, on the other hand they tend not to make a brand new thread about it, when there is already an existing thread (see ArmA 3 -> General -> Futuristic weapons OMG). everything BIS have implemented that we have seen so far is very close to what we have achieved so far in military technology and wouldnt take a huge step forward in science to be able to produce.

i understand mods will fill any holes, but i mainly play online, I love the ACE mod, but i find only a hand full of servers allow it, and they usually have no people in them. so i cant run ACE, or JSRS, or CBA, warfx particles, unless i manage to find a server that allows it (and has more then 5 players). it would be the same with guns, YES i could build my own scenario with whatever i want and play it single player. but i enjoy playing online with other people.

today is your lucky day then son !! theres this game called ArmA2, dont know if you've heard of it - it has nearly all of these. no need to thank me.

no need to be a smart ass. me (and i assume alot of others) want arma 3, not to play a new game, but rather to improve on the glitchy and cumbersome arma 2. me (and i assume alot of others) want arma 2 with more, more graphics, bigger map, more guns, more vehicles, smoother play, more realistic. me (and i assume alot of others) dont want a different game, we love playing arma because its a simulator. alot like grand torsimo for the play station... every new game, just improves on the original. it went from something like 50 cars and 7 maps with shitty graphics and physics, to 1000+ cars and i dont even know how many maps, with almost perfect graphics and physics. you haven't seen them implement, flying cars yet have you (that is an exaggeration, arma 3 is not taking that far of a leap, more of a small step)

real weapons? so the TAR's and Commanche's only shoot blanks? FUCK !! i hate ArmA 3 omg im never goin to buy it in my life ever. /sarcasm

sorry, bad wording, yes they are "real", what i meant was "currently in use", but i still would like them to add all the prototypes, because lets face it they are out there.

what was you saying about realism ?

its just a little timbit that adds character to the game, it can be done tastefully, don't mean they need to put a beating heart in a barn... but hey let there imagination go, i guarantee you people will enjoy finding them.

you wont see anything like this for atleast 10 months. atleast. optimisation is the last step any dev takes before game release, as there would be no point optimising the game and then throwing in shitloads of new graphical features etc.

and finally you said something that you right about, that was a stupid question for me to ask right now.

---------- Post added at 12:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 PM ----------

I have yet to see a physics engine in any game where a tank can drive over a vehicle and crush it as it would be in real life...when you find one let me know.

I dont know anything about engines lol... i just know what i would love to see in the game so i made my suggestion.

Edited by C.tremblay

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I have yet to see a physics engine in any game where a tank can drive over a vehicle and crush it as it would be in real life...when you find one let me know.

GEM 2 (Men of War games) has an interesting implementation. While you can't flatten cars, it does allow for pretty satisfying destruction when you crush them.

Btw, how did this get offtopic already? I thought this thread was about sound...

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GEM 2 (Men of War games) has an interesting implementation. While you can't flatten cars, it does allow for pretty satisfying destruction when you crush them.

Btw, how did this get offtopic already? I thought this thread was about sound...

We got on the topic of physics because the OP included stuff about physics in his post, despite the thread title. :)

I haven't played Men of War yet, seeing as I only bought the first game and red tide a couple of weeks ago and haven't gotten around to starting them yet, but it is interesting to hear that it has such physics.

As far as I know, though, it would be a first for me to see physics on that level in an FPS (style) game.

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i just want to help them create arma as best as possible, so i give my suggestions.

there is a suggestion thread for this mate , your opinion is alot more likely to be seen there than in a new thread due to it's organisation and descriptive title.

I meant more, visual damage, i assumed they would continue with the scheme they had in arma 2

me (and i assume alot of others) want arma 3, not to play a new game, but rather to improve on the glitchy and cumbersome arma 2. me (and i assume alot of others) want arma 2 with more, more graphics, bigger map, more guns, more vehicles, smoother play, more realistic.

me (and i assume alot of others) dont want a different game, we love playing arma because its a simulator. alot like grand torsimo for the play station... every new game, just improves on the original.

you mean operation arrowhead , PMC and BAF ? as they are basically what you just described. i dont mean to come on strong mate, its just this all seems a bit pointless. basically you want another expansion of ArmA2, which isnt going to happen anytime soon, if ever.

basically, alot of asumptions are being made in your post. making comments/suggestions based on alpha footage which has been stated before as "not finished" is just silly - not that it even needed to be stated, you're looking at a shell of a game to be released in ~a years time. 1 year is a hell of a lot of working hours, of which all of these will be put towards ArmA3 and it's development.

despite all this, i do agree with the first part of your OP. added environment-dependant sounds will do a Lot for immersion, i hate to admit it but BC2 did this to perfection.

and finally you said something that you right about, that was a stupid question for me to ask right now.

why get rude for ? i was having a joke with u. wasnt trying to shatter your hopes and dreams, facts did that for me.

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Ontopic - This was sorta discussed in some past threads about the current sound engine.

Delay (Echoes), Reverb, Phasing, Flanging, Filters (Lowpass, Bandpass, Highpass).

Those effects can do some good stuff :3

When outside of a building, all sounds inside the building are lowpassed to the listener outside. I really don't know where Delay could be used, as reverb would be more preferable IMO, but this creates better immersion of where you are. Phasing/Flanging can make a load of sounds playing at the same time sound combined so it's not just a giant wall of noise. I would also like to hear some holophonic sounds :D

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