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CLY Morse - a Morse code encoder/decoder and player

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Here's a script that encodes plain text into Morse and vice versa, and plays the sounds too.

>Download mission<

Encode a text:

morsestring=["Encode"] call CLY_morse;

hintSilent format ["%1",morsestring];

Decode a Morse transmission:

morsestring=["-.. . -.-. --- -.. ."] call CLY_morse;

hintSilent format ["%1",morsestring];

Play Morse code sound:

morsestring=["This should play a sound.",objNull,2] call CLY_morse;

Finer details are explained in cly_morse.sqf. :)

.... .- .--. .--. -.--   -- --- .-. ... .. -. --. -.-.--


June 14 2011

- Optimized code

- Fixed 1 dot too long word space

- Script now encodes Cyrillic alphabet (cut and paste the section above Latin if you need to decode into Cyrillic)

Here are the scripts in plain code:


CLY_morse=compile preprocessFile "cly_morse.sqf";


class CfgSounds
class dash
	sound[]={\sound\dash.ogg,0.04,2}; //Change speed (last element) to match your call argument!
class dot
	sound[]={\sound\dot.ogg,0.04,2}; //As above


CLY Morse - a Morse code encoder/decoder and player
Author: Celery
Version: June 14 2011

-How to use-
1) Put this line in your init script:
	CLY_morse=compile preprocessFile "cly_morse.sqf";
2) Use the CfgSound entries in the test mission's description.ext.
3) Put the test mission's sounds into your mission folder.
4) Call CLY_morse in a trigger or script:
	morsestring=["I am using Morse code",objNull,2] call CLY_morse;
	^return string    ^input   sound source^     ^speed

The return string will have the converted text/code that you can use for text output elsewhere.

The input is either normal text that you want to decode into Morse, or pure Morse code (".", "-", " " only) that you want to decode.
When writing Morse, " " is a letter space and "   " is a word space.

The sound source can be an object that generates the sound, or objNull in which case you will hear the code inside your head.
Speed is 0.1 seconds divided by X per dot. For best results, change the description.ext CfgSound speeds accordingly.
If you don't need sound, write only the input into the argument array.

private ["_morsecodes","_string","_object","_speed","_encode","_stringarray","_morsestring"];

[" "," "],
[[196,228,198,230],".-.-"], //"ÄäÆæ"
[[197,229,193,225,192,224],".--.-"], //"Ã…Ã¥ÃáÀà"
[[199,231],"-.-.."], //"Çç"
[[208,240],"..--."], //"Ãð"
[[201,233],"..-.."], //"Éé"
[[200,232],".-..-"], //"Èè"
[[209,241],"--.--"], //"Ññ"
[[214,246,216,248,211,243],"---."], //"ÖöØøÓó"
[[222,254],".--.."], //"Þþ"
[[220,252],"..--"], //"Üü"
//Cyrillic alphabet

_string=_this select 0;
_object=if (count _this>1) then {_this select 1} else {nil};
_speed=if (count _this>2) then {_this select 2} else {1};
_encode={!(_x in [32,45,46])} count toArray _string>0;

if (_encode) then {
		_chars=_x select 0;
		if (typeName _chars=="STRING") then {
			_chars=toArray _chars;
		if (_char in _chars and !_codefound) then {
			_stringarray set [count _stringarray,_x select 1];
	} forEach _morsecodes;
} forEach toArray _string;
//Form Morse code string
	_space=if (_forEachIndex>0) then {" "} else {""};
} forEach _stringarray;
} else {
	if (_x!=32) then {
		_char set [count _char,_x];
		if (_forEachIndex+1==count toArray _string) then {
			_stringarray set [count _stringarray,toString _char];
	if (_x==32) then {
		if (count _space==0) then {
			_stringarray set [count _stringarray,toString _char];
		_space set [count _space,_x];
		if (count _space==3) then {
			_stringarray set [count _stringarray," "];
} forEach toArray _string;
//Translate morse to humanspeak
		if (_char==(_x select 1) and !_codefound) then {
			_letters=_x select 0;
			if (typeName _letters=="STRING") then {
				_letters=toArray _letters;
			_string=_string+toString [_letters select 0];
	} forEach _morsecodes;
} forEach _stringarray;

//Play sound
if (!isNil "_object") then {
[_object,_morsestring,_speed] spawn {
	_object=_this select 0;
	_morsestring=_this select 1;
	_speed=_this select 2;
	if (_speed<=0) then {_speed=1};
	_soundarray=toArray _morsestring;
		if (_x==32) then {
			_space set [count _space,_x];
			if (count _space==3) then {
		if (_x==45) then {
		if (_x==46) then {
		if (_sound!="") then {
			if (!isNull _object) then {
				_object say3D _sound;
			} else {
				playSound _sound;
		sleep (_wait/_speed);
		sleep (0.1/_speed);
	} forEach _soundarray;

//Return string
if (_encode) then {_morsestring} else {_string};

Edited by Celery

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A very, very interesting usage for Arma 2's engine!

Theoretically could be used for non-Arma related work, but the script might come in more handy in some WW2 missions. Greatly adds to the atmosphere of cut-scenes I believe.

Oh, and while taking a brief look at the script I noticed that you forgot to "privatize" local variables. Never hurts.

private ["_string","_object","_speed","_encode","_stringarray","_morsestring"];

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Oh, and while taking a brief look at the script I noticed that you forgot to "privatize" local variables. Never hurts.


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Morse code should have been already in the game. Also, I think that most morse coders will agree with me.

(This should become a meme)

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Too cool! Being an amateur radio operator I'm pretty familiar with CW aka Morse Code. I often wondered during multiplayer while playing with the ACRE radio mod how hard it would be to integrate CW into the ACRE Radio System. For those who aren't familiar with CW, the mode of CW can very easily be heard when voice transmissions using the same output power and antenna can not.

Super cool addon.

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Is there an all-encompassing Morse chart anywhere on the intertubes? I'd like to add all possible special characters and letters that have a morse code into the script's conversion array.

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well, wiki has a few here: and more example in links at bottom of page.

cool release btw.

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Morse alphabet in:

  • Greek
  • Cyrillic
  • Hebrew
  • Arabic
  • Farsi
  • Japanese
  • Chinese


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Yeah, I did the array based on the Wiki page, but I had to hunt down some individual characters elsewhere.

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Very cool Celery. I was just posting in the ACRE thread about electronic warfare on today's comms. The BEST way if being jammed is to burn through it using morse code !

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Script updated

New version and changelog in first post.

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That is wicked. Do you reckon you can do the same for a manned searchlight - preferably with three speeds (normal, slow, slowest)? If so, come more sophisticated handling of ships, you will have accommodated for fantastic naval gameplay.

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