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arrowhead buildings in visitor?

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what must be done to achieve it

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quincy, you were advise to read some of the stickies

I will advise you to use the search button. The answers are here already.

The good people here who can help are NOT going to re-answer all your 1-line questions.

Most of your posts are 1 line !

Do some work yourself, and prove you did some work by not wasting everyones time with your 1 liner posts, use search and explain what you actually did, and why you then had trouble.

And mockery like;

i made maps before lol

will not help you get assistance.

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slow down boy i have taught my self all i know so far im on da verge of releasing a quality map as i am known for realism so um yea back off me if u aint gone help me cus those post u said search for dont give much detail

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... i have taught my self all i know

So ..... why are you here then?

if u aint gone help me cus those post

Didn't say I wasn't going to help, but I'm not going to create a copy of another thread just so I can answer you specifically.

And you never explained what you "already learnt yourself" about using OA buildings so far.

dont give much detail

SEARCH button, provided by BIS, found near the top of this web page.

Tip; SmokeDog3PARA already wrote one guide, but theres other threads discussing detail.

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i no nothing about AO buildings except they need to be converted befor import to visiton and those related threads do a god job on being un clear as in the dont give FULL detail on what to do so yea i just need a answer which will lead to a nice afganistan map thats ai frendly for the first time

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I'm not the kind of guy to reply "search" to any topics. This place is about help. Most of the time the reply of "search" is often longer than just giving the answer.

There are, however, people who don't give respect to this board either. And posting a thread that only says "what must be done to achiever it" is lazy and disrespectful. And you got the answer your post deserved.

I seached "Arrowhead buildings" and I found the answer in less than 4 minutes. And it is in detail. So the reason you were told to search was because it was easy to find.

Yet you respond to him as if it's his job to do your work. He makes most of the addons you use, yet you disrespect. If you did search then give an example of why you don't understand it. Don't just ask people to do your work for you.

Congratulaions, you taught yourself everything you know....Just like everyone else and their mom here. And if you haven't figured out the OA buildings yet, then you aint on "da verge" of anything. This isn't high school, if someone doesn't give you an answer you like, don't start talking about how great you are. When you get old enough you will see that telling us how great you are and how good your map is and how no one has made an AI friendly map has nothing to do with the topic.

You turned this thread from a search to convert OA buildings to a high school bragging contest.

But you have your answer. And thanks for letting me know that their are no good AI maps out there. I wish I would have known sooner. I wasted many fun hours playing on maps in SP. If I would have known they weren't any good I wouldn't have tried harder to not like them. Instead, hours of fun that I will never get back. such a waste:(

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There are plenty of AI friendly maps out there. Ignore quincy, every time anybody says something that he finds the least bit offensive he tries to change the subject by saying how awesome his map will be.

He supposedly started this project over a year ago, and has evaded requests for a single screenshot, or anything more than a vague description.

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I wrote my guide as simple as it could be maybe he's just never going to get it maybe dl arma2p tools in my link and clicking the exe was to hard for him

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