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AMD GPU 6900 Series issues?

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I can average out 50 FPS on any map, even Zargabad with the standard settings Very high Graphics. When I go into advanced settings and manually set everything very high it stays around 35-40 FPS average, then right when I turn my head around in the city it jumps down to 4-12 fps and on the setting very high graphics it even stays around 40 average when i look around the town, is there some problem with the 6970 2gb and looking around in Zargabad on MAX settings? Its quite frustrating.

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I hate to bump a thread for this, especially one that has no replies, but I have the same issue with my 6970 as well. I recently picked up a GTX 570 for a different computer, but decided to see how it ranked against the 6970. With the GTX 570 ArmA runs so much smoother because the frame rate stays steady at 40+ with everything on maxed out at a 4k view distance (AA on Normal, PP on Low). With the exact same settings I get a lower FPS (32-35) with the 6970 and the stuttering issue described above. Tried Memory on Very High, High, and Default. Default has the lowest FPS but is a little smoother than the other two.

It's a damn shame too because my 6970 beats the hell out of the GTX 570 by a fair margin in every other game I play and tried it out on. Anyone else have an issue like the one above?

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I wonder if there's some issue with the 2 GB of VRAM and ArmA2 not recognizing/utilizing it properly? I'm getting a 6950 2 GB soon and I hope I don't have the same problems. I will report back when I get it.

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Post your arma2oa.cfg here.

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some more infos would be very usefull.

cpu, ram, hdd

because my hd6970 runs fine at max settings max AA and so on with 10k viewdistance.

my ssd and the 2600k@ 4.55ghz crunching al that and so i got smooth 30-35fps.

if i lower the viewdistance, the fps get up to 45fps, smooth 45 fps.

the card is running@ 933mhz on catalyst 11.9 windows 7 home premium 64bit

gpu-z 5.5 shows that the vram is used with 1,8-1,9gb(+ 230mb cached in system ram)

my gtx570(1280mb vram) gets lower fps and runs smooth too, just with 3d resolution settings above 100%(1080p)the amd hd 6970 stutters, even with AA off and the gtx runs slow but smooth.

i think in zargabad, fast ssd and cpu is more essential than a videocard. maybe fast ddr3 system ram(1600+) would help too if not already installed.

a good mate just upgraded from phenom 2 x4 and ddr2 to overclocked phenom 2 x6+ddr3 1600 and an ssd and got fps plus in zargabad from around stutterly 12fps(all on gtx470) to around 20fps and smooth.

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My ArmA2OA.cfg.

As for system specs they are in my sig, but just for completeness: i7 [email protected] cooled w/Corsair H60, 8GB DDR3 1600 RAM, 60GB SSD (OS), 300GB Velociraptor (Games), 750w XFX PSU, and of course the 6970 (which is currently sitting on the side in favor of my GTX 570).

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My rig: Phenom IIx4 965BE @3,8ghz, 12GB DDR-3 Ram GSkill RipJaws, 450W BeQuite Straight Power PSU, 1tb Samsung Spinpoint F3 HDD. Win 7 Ultimate x64.

arma 2 rly doesn't like ati 6970, i've got crap performance too, especially at Chernorussia map. At campaign mission, i think it's third, where you are at Elektrozavodsk, it looks like i got CPU bottleneck. Game stutters bad, my Phenom IIx4 965BE clocked at 3,8ghz, is loaded to 60-67%, GPU 60-70%, but the funny thing is, if i do lowering 3d resolution, from 1080p to 1600x or lower, game runs much smoother. WTf is this?

Also if i set Video RAM to default, game stutters like hell, even on utes map with just 1 soldier on the map and nothing more. Very high setting makes game smooth again, but only on Utes, cause it's so small.



























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This is making me sort of worried about getting a 6950, lol...

I assume some people out there use 69xx series and it works fine?

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I also got a 6970 on one of the rigs, and while i actually don't measure FPS, i never had the described issues. My rigs are in my signature

Edited by PuFu

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of the issue. Still trying various settings to see if I can narrow it down, but so far no luck. Tested in vanilla A2, and the issue is there as well but it's at a much much lower level to the point where it's definitely tolerable. This one, not so much.

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I think it is driver settings issue but not 100% sure.

Get latest drivers and try change values

smoothvision hd aa

smoothvision hd af

catalist ai

mipmap level

vertical refresh

adaptive aa


There is also very important.If you using cheap motherboard your performance can be very limited.Even you buy faster cpu and 100gb ram and ssd and fast graphic card such mobos as asrock can easily kill all effords.

Edited by kotov12345

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of the issue. Still trying various settings to see if I can narrow it down, but so far no luck. Tested in vanilla A2, and the issue is there as well but it's at a much much lower level to the point where it's definitely tolerable. This one, not so much.

this happened to me yesterday, when i was playing on takistan warfare server. I was playing for about a hour, game was quite smooth, but then for no reason, it started to stutter, i though it's the server, i've asked few ppl, all answered, they had no stutters or lags at all. After i've restarted the game, it was smooth again. using 11.10 preview catalyst here, it seems to run most new games well.

btw, are you using any beta patch, or just 1.59 as it is? Cause i was playing with beta, it never happened to me before tough.

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Try testing with oficial 11.9 instead of the preview and let us know.

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I think it is driver settings issue but not 100% sure.

Get latest drivers and try change values

smoothvision hd aa

smoothvision hd af

catalist ai

mipmap level

vertical refresh

adaptive aa


There is also very important.If you using cheap motherboard your performance can be very limited.Even you buy faster cpu and 100gb ram and ssd and fast graphic card such mobos as asrock can easily kill all effords.

I've messed with all these settings before, so far no changes. As for the motherboard, the GTX 570 did NOT have this issue, so it's definitely not the motherboard (which is far from cheap, it's just lacking SLI/Crossfire compared to it's initial high end offering, and Asrock hasn't been a low end company like ECS for years).

btw, are you using any beta patch, or just 1.59 as it is? Cause i was playing with beta, it never happened to me before tough.

Happens with and without beta.

Try testing with oficial 11.9 instead of the preview and let us know.

This also happened with every driver version since I had the card (11.4 onward).

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I was playing with catalys AI enable, after updating my drivers from 11.9,

perhaps you should try to disable catalyst AI, if you dunno how to turn it off,

first kill CCC.exe and MOM.exe processes in task manager.

Then got to C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE profiles.xml, open it with notepad, find this:

<Feature name="CatalystAI">

<Property name="CatalystAI" value="Enable" />

and change "Enable" to "Disable".

save and close. Now CatalystAI should be disabled. You can start amd vision engine control center. It should be applied.

Not sure if it'll help tough, but you could try.

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Tried that, by messing with the CCC (High Quality supposedly turns it off), using RadeonPro to disable it, and editing the profile. Still no luck :(

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I know very little about PC’s.. Although I have come to learn you can know too much (overkill)..

I have the AMD Sapphire HD5850 2gb Toxic card, it runs the game fast with no lag or stutter, but, when I first got the game I had a similar problem, I read up online and found that I should be telling it how many cores I have (4 in my case), I use six updater and changed it in that, I know its supposed to be auto but do it anyway, it now uses all 4 cores after having checked it whilst running the game. Also I found that win7 burns up lots of cpu with its fancy set-up, great for the look but different if you want the cpu power for your game, I set the win7 64bit to basic look. I turned off vsync in video options, put the latest drivers in for the card and bingo, never had a problem since.. oh, and 'DVD' mod is brill..

My HD5850 3D card settings are as follows, may help, not sure..

Smoothvision AA = use application settings (I have this in-game set to normal)

Smoothvision AF = use application settings (I have this in-game set to normal)

Tesselation = AMD optimised

Catalyst AI = TFQ ‘High Quality’ and Enable surface format optimization

Mimmap Detail Level = ‘High Quality’

Wait for vertical refresh = ‘Performance’ always off

Anti Aliasing Mode = ‘Performance’ multi sample AA

Open GL settings = ‘Triple buffering enabled’

I have a 60Hz Benq monitor that can run well over 150fps without any noticeable tearing, how, who knows, if it did tear I would get a 120Hz model..

Try overclocking your card using the in-built OC, I did and the OC is in my tag below.. made the game fps higher around 35-45 in city with 60-70 ai in combat no lag or stutter.. Open areas fps is upwards of 50-70 with lots of combat, completely open area i.e. desert, and over 80-100fps is not unusual with some combat.. Static open area on my own, 150fps or over..

As said, I know very little about PC’s, but I have learned just to twiggle things around.. Of course that’s a technical term ‘twiggle’.. my in-game settings are below in the tag thingy..

Failing that get a toxic HD5850 2gb...


Edited by HR4 Elite

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As for the motherboard, the GTX 570 did NOT have this issue, so it's definitely not the motherboard (which is far from cheap, it's just lacking SLI/Crossfire compared to it's initial high end offering, and Asrock hasn't been a low end company like ECS for years).

Something telling me that 70 pounds mobo at least twice as slow than 150-300 pounds brands :)

But yes issue still here and I think it is not fixable.Zagrabad very slow map and many people complaining when playing mp on it.

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cheap mobo? Can you provide some us benchmarks, what showing, 300 euros mobo vs 70 euros mobo benchmarks?

HR4 Elite well your lucky i guess, i have faster cpu, faster GPU, but not the same good performance. Umm, and im speaking about Chernarus map, Takistan has much better performance, cause it got almost twice less details then Chernarussia.

Edited by NeuroFunker

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I have 40 fps with everything on max in centre of zagrabad with 4km vd with 1700x1500 something frame.But I have 4870x2 card 3gb ram and i7 930 cpu and not ssd hdd.and I have asus rampage 2 mobo which not cost 70 pounds :)

that asrock have 1155 chipset should have at least 25% more perfomance than mine 1366.

8gb ram not doing big job -- but ssd hdd does.

6970 card also approx at least 25% faster than 4870x2.So I think if I put 6970 in my mobo I will have 80fps - may be not 80 - 60 at least.

Try ask someone who have similar specs.If you want to have fast gaming pc you need start build from mobo.CPU and RAM not play main role.

You need buy good brand as gigabyte or asus or intel .

middle of this list will be good enough.


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i've asked you to show me few benchmarks, 300 pounds mobos vs 70 pounds mobos, where did you get that info from? CPU doesn't play main role? Absolutely yes!

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HR4 Elite well your lucky i guess, i have faster cpu, faster GPU, but not the same good performance. Umm, and im speaking about Chernarus map, Takistan has much better performance, cause it got almost twice less details then Chernarussia.

I think I am lucky with the performance I get, having faster this and faster that is fine but if you have lots of other stuff on your PC its going to show in the performance, my PC is only for A2, there is nothing else on it only A2 related stuff.

Chernarus is a fps eater, towns/villages or forests/woods down it goes, if I use Chernarus I go in via A2 not A2 OA, it uses the frame rate better, ‘why’, no idea, it just does..

This is a shot looking over Novy Sobor took going in via A2 OA, from exe. from SU

This is a shot looking Novy Sobor going in via A2 only from exe. from SU


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WTF 72 fps? I never had 60, only by looking at the ground or to the skies! Sysytem only for arma? Hmm well, i just fresh installed my win 7, cause i had driver issues, my 1TB is to 70% full, i don't think it's that what kills my performance much. Also what i'm suspicious about, is my PSU, 450W BeQuite Stright power, perhaps it comes to their limits with my 6970. Else im totaly clueless, how to get any better performance.

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