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Fireteam Segregation

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Hi All,

I have had a look around with the search function(albeit a quick search at work) but alas nothing seems to have come up.

I was wondering how to command various colour coded teams within my overall squad, what I mean is I already know how to assign colours to a particular fireteam e.g one team of three assigned as red team, another team of 3 blue,etc but it seems that despite being colour assigned you still have to give orders to the three individual members as apposed to say selecting one member of blue team and the other two members just follow.

If my memory is correct I belive this was possible in ARMA1.

Anybody know?

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Top Job Mate!!! The joy of solving ARMA related issues when I should be working.

Thanks for the quick reply, I'll give it a go tonight.

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Whilst we're on the subject, is there a way to pre-issue colour-coded teams before the mission starts, via init script, etc?

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Whilst we're on the subject, is there a way to pre-issue colour-coded teams before the mission starts, via init script, etc?

unit assignTeam "GREEN"

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So even if 2nd team starts from unit 6 shift + F2 will select the lil bugger? Is that how it works now? Because i've been having problems selecting my groups lately :(


Wiicckkkeedd so much better that way now im getting better at commanding! Cheers :)

Edited by AussieTerry84

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Don't know if this has been mentioned but if you're commanding say a platoon sized force, assign 3 NCO's to red, green, and blue. Then go through and select what units you want in each of the three teams, so instead of making 1-13 red, 14-27 blue, and 28-40 green. That way they're accessible by pressing shift and selecting the team leader instead of scrolling through using F11 and F12.

You can now set a squad to overwatch, set one to flank, one as a base of fire, etc.

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In the editor, make them a Corporal or Sergeant. I break it up in the traditional Marine Corps organization:

Lt is group leader

3 Sergeants leading 3 teams of 13, under those 13 there's two other fireteam leaders.

I typically designate one squad as weapons, so SMAW, 240's, engineers, and snipers. The other two consist of SAW's, M16's, M4's, 203's. I can use those guys to maneuver and flank the enemy while the weapons squad follows me and we're usually a base of fire. I like to just run UPSMON or DAC and then patrol into and area and duke it out, so it works for me.

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So as I understand it's enough to select a higher ranking soldier in a designated fireteam to issue an order to the whole fireteam through him?

Hmm - pretty cool. Didn't know that

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No, but it should place the higher ranking men in the first couple of spaces in your HUD, you still need to hold shift when you select them, it's just more of an ease of access thing. I designate my NCO's reg/green/blue, then go through my platoon and then designate them to each NCO, and then scroll back to the part of my HUD where there NCOs can be found. Like I said, instead of scrolling to the green team, then selecting them, then issuing orders, you just need to hit Shift+F2/3/4.

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Hebrew Hammer sounds like your doing it old school when u had to actually select the team member, now you select the teams via colour number e.g. If blue team starts at unit 9 but blue is 3rd in the list of colours you press shift+f3 instead of f9.

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