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dynamic mission targets

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Hi folks,

i would like to update my map with dynamic misison targets.

My plan is to create a pool of maybe 6 targets.

By chance 3 of that pool are valid for the mission to accomplish.

Could you plz help me to get into it?

The problem is not to choose a variable by chance but to adopt it ionto the briefing......so maybe you have an approach?!

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try this :

it's a script for make random objective :

// Rmission = this addAction "Demande de Mission", "RandomMission.sqf";

//Ici on déclenche au hasard une des 5 missions

waitUntil { BIS_fnc_init };

_target = _this select 0;

_unit = _this select 1;

_id = _this select 2;

switch (floor(random 5)) do {

case 0: {

// SideMission1

obj1 = player createSimpleTask["Tuer salope."];

obj1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "");

sleep 1;

[nil,nil,rHINT,"Nouveau run : Tuer salope."] call RE;

sleep 1;

"mAirport" setMarkerType "dot";

sleep 1;

_target removeaction _id;

[this] exec "mission\salope.sqf";


case 1: {

// SideMission2

obj2 = player createSimpleTask["Trouver le pick up"];

obj2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "");

sleep 1;

[nil,nil,rHINT,"Nouveau run : Trouver le pick up"] call RE;

sleep 1;

"pickup" setMarkerType "dot";

sleep 1;

_target removeaction _id;

[this] exec "mission\pickup.sqf";


case 2: {

// SideMission3

obj3 = player createSimpleTask["Allez au waypoint 1"];

obJ3 setSimpleTaskDescription["A fond les manettes jusqu'au point 1", "Allez au point 1", "Allez au point 1"];

obj3 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "");

sleep 1;

[nil,nil,rHINT,"Nouveau run : Etape 1"] call RE;

sleep 1;

"Pint1" setMarkerType "dot";

sleep 1;

_target removeaction _id;

[this] exec "mission\point1.sqf";


case 3: {

// SideMission4

obj4 = player createSimpleTask["Trouver le humvee"];

obJ4 setSimpleTaskDescription["Amélioré votre véhicule en trouvant le humvee", "Tuning", "Tuning"];

obj4 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "");

sleep 1;

[nil,nil,rHINT,"Nouvelle tâche affectée : Sécuriser et enquêter sur le crash du c-130"] call RE;

sleep 1;

"humvee" setMarkerType "dot";

sleep 1;

_target removeaction _id;

[this] exec "mission\tuning.sqf";


case 4: {

// SideMission5

OBJ_NOM = player createSimpleTask["OBJ_TITRE"];

OBJ_NOM setSimpleTaskDescription["OBJ_DESCRIPTION", "OBJ_TITRE", "OBJ_TITRE"];

OBJ_NOM setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "OBJ_MARQUEUR");

sleep 1;

_target removeaction _id;

[this] exec "side\bombe\panside5.sqf";



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Thx for your approach!

Gonna check it out tonight!:)

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Personnaly i use another approach.

First i put an object on editor, i group it with 3 markers, the object change his position each time you launch the game. I put 3 triggers on the three markers area and i group with the object.

If the object is in the trigger 1, i launch obj1.sqf if it is in the second area it launch obj2.sqf etc...

I prefer this because sometimes this script doesn't work. After i delete all triggers and markers.

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Please guys....when you post code use the code tags "#". Use the Go Advanced button below.

Otherwise it's just a jumble of text and too hard to read!

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Another approach would be to just execute a random file, which includes the task stuff... ;)

_Tasks = ["Task1.sqf","Task2.sqf","Task3.sqf"];
_Task = _Tasks select (floor(random(count _Tasks)));
execVM _Task;

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Nice thanks :)

But do you have a tips for delete task1 if we play it and if we go launch again this script for don't play the same task?

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AllTasks = ["Task1.sqf","Task2.sqf","Task3.sqf"]; <-- This is an array. Arrays can be modified. So if a task has been played we simply delete it from the array. Its important that you put this array into a different file then the code below. Because we want to define it only once. Ini.sqf would be a good place.

if (count AllTasks < 1) exitWith { hint "no tasks left to play!"; }; [color="SeaGreen"]// Maybe you can make use of this line[/color]

_Task = AllTasks select (floor(random(count AllTasks )));
AllTasks = AllTasks - [_Task]; [color="SeaGreen"]// Delete the task from the "AllTasks" array[/color]
execVM _Task;


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tanke you veri muuuch

it's better than the script i used before :)

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Another approach would be to just execute a random file, which includes the task stuff... ;)

_Tasks = ["Task1.sqf","Task2.sqf","Task3.sqf"];
_Task = _Tasks select (floor(random(count _Tasks)));
execVM _Task;

Hi I have been looking at this with some intrest as I want this in my mission. Could you please tell me where this code goes and how you would execute it Thanks :)

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Just put in sqf, exemple in unit ini write "this exec "task.sqf"

and in task.sqf write the script and it's ok.

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