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Two questions regarding High Command.

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I recently have two questions regarding as a commander with High Command in editor...

1. How do you place some units that not belong to your command?

Once I drop High Command module, all units on that faction were put under my command, but how do you make some units "not" under your command?

(like support trucks)

2. How do you order soldiers to dismount from their vehicles?

I was commanding a mechanized infantry company, and I want know how do you make other platoons dismount their infantry from APC/IFVs?

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For no 2.

Create a waypoint and select unload as task.

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I would say that's a weird design...a CO can't not order his men to dismount?:D

maybe someone should make it possible by an addon or something...

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Put down a High Command - subordinate module... sync the module to the group leaders you want to command also sync it to your high command

Unload: select the unit click to give a waypoint and without moving the cursor right click again, choose type > Unload... works perfect

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well, problem is that those units not synced are also under my command...

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well, problem is that those units not synced are also under my command...

I'm fairly sure they shouldn't be. Do they actually listen to you or are there unit symbols just on the map? Because all units that are known (All BLUFOR and whatever OPFOR you know exist) to be on the map have their unit symbols above them but only the ones under your command (linked) should be able to be controlled.

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they are all under my command, even air units.

Wonder if it has anything to do with ACE2.

btw, is it possible to order indirect fire by high command?

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So on a clean map put down 2 groups and one unit (player) set up high command subordinate and high command and sync to just one group leader.

You should only have control of one group? If not then

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High Commmand works as above - Units the go through the Sub-Mod to the High Command are the only ones you control - With that said, "control" in the very liberal sense.

The whole High Command concept is great, but it doesn't work very well at all in A2/CO. RVS/R6 did a much better job, at least at the infantry scale. In A2, you just do not have enough micro-managment. The units once engaged tend to run all over the map eveywhere.....In RVS/R6 you could use coordinated attacks and set-ups much better with AI units under your control. Not so in A2.

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I would have to say that my biggest gripe with this game is the AI running around and chasing people. I don't mind them breaking formation for cover or chasing after the enemy as a squad if they have a Guard waypoint or a seek and destroy waypoint but I really wish there was an easy way to make it so that they stick together. That is one of the reasons I don't use High Command much. I trust myself to put the units in the right place at the right time but I don't trust the squad leaders to keep their men there.

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@ Jakerod - Exactly right - If High Command simply had a "cover-arc" command that you could place AI controlled units with....it would be much better. As is, you can't really us High Command in a way to coordidnate any attacks...because the AI simply breaks off once in contact and literally runs all over the entire map.

My best option thus far has been to use very small "marker zones" with the UPSMON patrol script (with the "nofollow" command). This at least somewhat becomes effective AI security for my unit to conduct the actual Take Downs..

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