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What's the best Warfare/CTI mode for SP?

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I'm an SP type of guy and I want to play warfare or CTI by myself with the AI running the rest of the game. Problem is there's so many different types of warfares and CTI's that I don't know which one is the best to use.

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Nobody wants to give any suggestions at all?

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Hey man, i personally think BIS default is best for SP... this is what i like, simply open up Takistan or Zargabad, drop down 2 opposing units and the warfare OA module, sync it to both the units and away you go, works straight of the bat.

I also integrated this into it http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9209 which lifts the fun factor 10 fold.

Using the default option allows you to customize it to how you want it, although it would be great if you could customize it in the same way you can tweak ACM from the init.sqf

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soon i release a single coop cti domination warfare.

You play one guy and the high commander, you must tale capraia island, you have units with you, units don't respawn, you gain unit when you take cities or specific area, IA have an army on island, but no respawn too, but IA can gain units if they take a city or area from you. IA units renforcements spawn and go at random on map for tale area.

I added the SOM module for help player, you make mission and after you gain ammos or other, ammo crates and vehicle are hide on capria island, if you found and taking area so you can use vehicules, no respawn for vehicules so if one is broken a t72, you must find the depot or another place with repair truck and repair.

You can switch all leader, i use the wolfrug's script for it, after IA can move. So a new style game, beetwen cti, domination and warfare, but without respawn, just reinforcements each time you gain a city or area. I added the R3F logisitic and artylery script, and 3 MSO features, recruitement, civilian module and i forget, i added the bon recruit too, when you take important place you can buy units, but it s free. AZC script and crB scripts and the last pumpkin scripts for respawn. Units use upsmon and pumpkin patrols script and crp scripts defend and house patrol.

With these scripts IA change his tactical, so it s nice. CP catching units run too, so no lag on my laptop :), few bugs with upsmon but it s nothing, just unit need 4 mn for begin the patrol.

It's a very long mission, IA don't rush you all the time, just unit spawn and travel, so when you take a area, you have time for find a new strategic plan for the next city.

imagine i dont know i you know or not the island war mission for ofp2 games, i would same on arma2, but with arma2 it s better, very better, no limit units on the map, random for all, high commander etc....

then release soon :)

Edited by Dalia

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Hey man, i personally think BIS default is best for SP... this is what i like, simply open up Takistan or Zargabad, drop down 2 opposing units and the warfare OA module, sync it to both the units and away you go, works straight of the bat.

I also integrated this into it http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9209 which lifts the fun factor 10 fold.

Using the default option allows you to customize it to how you want it, although it would be great if you could customize it in the same way you can tweak ACM from the init.sqf

Really? Thanks I had no idea you could do that.

But I have a question, is there a limit to how many units I can synch with the module? Because I just went nuts and synched over 80 units with the module to see what would happen, but nobodies moving so I'm wondering if the module just cant handle that many units.

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Really? Thanks I had no idea you could do that.

But I have a question, is there a limit to how many units I can synch with the module? Because I just went nuts and synched over 80 units with the module to see what would happen, but nobodies moving so I'm wondering if the module just cant handle that many units.

You only need to sync 2 units (1 X rifleman Opfor + 1 X rifleman Blufor) , the module takes care of the rest, as in it will spawn everything including friendlies and enemies for you.

If you want to add vehicles to use then just add empty vehicle and sync that also, probably ammo boxes etc work as well?.

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