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Austrian Police Pack by Marseille77

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I am very confused at how to install the weapon pack. I can't find it anywhere in game. Does this install differently from other mods? I figured creating a folder with an addons folder and dumping the files in there + fixing the shortcut would make it work. Clearly it doesn't. The only noticeable affect is that it makes loading ~ 4 times or so longer.

The Readme doesn't list any other addons that are required... hell it doesn't even tell us where to find the damn ammo box (or if there even is one?) in the readme. So we can't even know if it is installed or not. I am assuming it isn't, because I can't fathom that you expect us to find the weapons via the garbage command line in the editor.

Edited by Flogger23m

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Hi Marseille77,

this is a great day, because as an Austrian, this is my first chance to play Austrian units in any of the ArmA series games, and I already like what I see in the editor.

However, is there any chance to cut on addon dependency, possibly by designing one common weapons pack for your addon? Right now, I need a total of 5 other addons to play your infantry units without error messages, including a totally unrelated Police Skoda.

Congratulations, and I am looking forward to the further development of your mod.

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You need the Police Pack also well till I create an independent config file for names, fractions and classes in the next update. The weapon pack is wip and you are only need the USEC weapons and the SSG69. The last weapon will be create by me in better quality in the next updates. The Skoda has the problem that I haven't the mlod version only the permission to release, retexture and finalise it.

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I refurbished and updated my project now. See first post.

- new structure

- UI file for fraction etc.

- HS.50 rifle added

- sniper added

- some rvmat fixes

- no need of SSG69 rifle, german weapons pack or other than listed below the packs

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- HS.50 rifle added

AWSOME!!! I got my christmas present early this year!

THX to you Marseille77

(downloading and testing) ... there goes my weekend ;)

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Are you going to add the Mil. Streife and some vehicles which already exists in other mods?

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After long time here some news....

1. The Austra Mod wasn't updated for a long time. I gave some material to Augstar for A3 OEmod. Some not released material will comming soon for A2.

2. At the time I plan a DLC for CWR2 with Austrian Bundesheer units. They will be found on Resistance side.


Marseille77 - Project lead, Modifications, textures

W0lle - Config, Textures, Models, Documentation, Distribution

Lobo - Pinzgauer model

IceBreakr - thanks to distribute the Pinzgauer model

Edited by Marseille77

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