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[Resolved] Mouse Lag since patch 1.59

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Since updating to 1.59 the mouse tracking in game has changed for me, it's like I have mouse smoothing on full or like there is a slight delay in movement or something, it's almost unplayable for me. I normally play with no mouse smoothing at all, but have tried various settings trying to fix this problem with no luck. Anybody else have this problem?

Edited by Dwarden
resolved problem

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Yes and no.

I've noticed that mouse input seems different in 1.59-- its pretty hard to put a finger on whats wrong. It really feels like the mouse is loosing ehh packets or even the sensitivity somewhat changing depending on the complexity of the scene.

I've been gaming since forever and have done a lot of Quake DM/TDM, where mouse movement is excellent, so I'm pretty sensitive to this stuff. Also drivers are up-to-date, I've got a Logitech G9 mouse, and a kickin' CPU/GPU. Its not the hardware.


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At least I am not alone in this, and you're right it is hard to explain what exactly is happening, but something has definately changed, and not for the better. I've done some searhes on google and not come up with anything, also I get the same problem on both my Kone+ and razer imperator.

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I've seen this referenced in other parts of the forum, particularly the beta threads, and I think it comes down to how 1.59 handles clutter and vegetation.

DirectX software tends to have shitty mouse interface and Arma2 has a less than perfect GPU-CPU handling scheme.

A fix that MAY work is tweaking your prerendered frames. Either in your Arma2 configs or your driver setup. (if you've got nvidia)


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Thanks for the tip I changed "GPU_DetectedFramesAhead" to 1 and this seems to have fixed the problem, Ineed to test some more but yea seem ok atm, thanks again.

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1.59 gave you AtoC which apparently lowered your perfomance enough to make the mouselag very noticable, you may want to turn it off (partially). Though i would always advice to keep the render frames ahead as low as possible in case of mouselag. Also turn off vsync.

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What value did you set mouseSmoothing to?

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What is AToC anyway? What does it do?


I have to turned off for grass and enabled for all trees, gives me a good balance between performance and visual quality. I do think that BI shouldnt have enabled it by default though, or at least made a clickable menu option.

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Altering GPU_DetectedFramesAhead won't change anything as it is written by the engine when the game loads; it just reads the existing driver setting. Try changing GPU_MaxFramesAhead instead.


Yea I posted the wrong line of code by mistake, both read 1 now in the config.

1.59 gave you AtoC which apparently lowered your perfomance enough to make the mouselag very noticable, you may want to turn it off (partially). Though i would always advice to keep the render frames ahead as low as possible in case of mouselag. Also turn off vsync.

That's interesting, just before the patch I happened to sidegrade from two 4890s in crossfire to a 6950 unlocked, the crossfire was producing to much heat for my case, so I went to a single card. On benchmarks 6950 vs the 2x 4890s are fairly close.

I've yet to change the AToC settings.

What value did you set mouseSmoothing to?

I have always played with no smoothing, now I have changed MaxFramesAhead to 1 my mouse movement feels like it was before patch 1.59, so I can still play with no smoothing.

Edited by Tekgun2

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Yep zero mouseSmoothing is best combined with MaxFramesAhead at 1.

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