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Tiger f-16 preview

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Recently, i have been working on my studies in CAD (Computer Aided Design) in school, and i've managed to come up with a few simple models in 3DS. Check out http://homepage.ntlworld.com/sam.adham/screens.htm

and the best model so far is an f-16. I've managed to work with Indy and marss911 in the G8 Mod, and they loved the bus and the f-16. Marss managed to get the f-16 into a tiger-striped camofluage....err.....colour. Check out http://homepage.ntlworld.com/sam.adham/F16_2.jpg The bus needed a lot of work still. I'm joining the G8 Mod, and in a week, i might get oxy.

I hope you guys are looking forward to it.

BTW, Those of you who are going to say: why some shitty aircrafts?? Bring on the vehicles!

Well, i HAD to make the aircrafts, as it was a part of my project in CAD, and aslo that i love planes. The fast planes like the f-16 will be used in the su-26's speed.

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was that really necessary Zach? I'll prove its my model, marss911 even saw my stages of my model. OK? So no need to say that just refering to the past.

All i did was the simple model, and the guys at G8 Spent time making it more complex.

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Ok, Zach. Honestly, do you know how to model?

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no, but i don't know how to be dictator of cuba either, does that mean i have to kiss castro's ass?

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yeah, you have to kiss Guba's ass too.

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his ass ran over half a dozen satchel charges. not much left.

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ej zach i know marss911 and indy very well i talk alot with them and yes its true it is his model

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who me?

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no, i think he is referring to me. The thing is, you dont have to have oxy just to be a ModMaker. I am waiting for oxy, coz its coming in about a week or so.

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It's nice that scorpio uploads most of his models to 3dcafe.com =)

It's REALLY strange that if you look at scorpio's model images in Gmax the title bar shows "untitled" kind of like the model had just been...imported..

...keep up the good work..

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Johnboy @ May 19 2002,13:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's REALLY strange that if you look at scorpio's model images in Gmax the title bar shows "untitled" kind of like the model had just been...imported..<span id='postcolor'>

Hmm excellent point. Though perhaps he made the entire model without saving even once. What a pro biggrin.gif

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Looks awsome scorpio. One suggestion though. Don't make your only release of it the tiger skined one. Also release it standard US airforce colors. But its your model. Do what ya like.

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give the guy a break,

hes trying...

can u please not start another model flaming thread !!

there is enough of those already,

keep up the good work scorpio

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What can I say, im not readily willing to trust the guy sad.gif

If you claim someone elses model to be yours even once, then thats more than enough to trash your respectability.

If my implications are unfounded then you have my deepest apologies Scorpio.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">LST & Sniper Maverick 05. 05. 2002, Dusand

We have received a lot of emails because you want to know more information about prepared functionable LST by Sniper Maverick. So, I found his address and wrote him email. Today, he answered me. Sniper Maverick has a new nickname, so now he is Scorpio. He has also new email address [email protected]. And the most interesting thing: he nearly finished his new functionable LST! He have been granted Oxygen and he will release it in about one week.

<span id='postcolor'>

just a little flashback, please decide if you have oxygen or not.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Scorpio @ May 19 2002,11:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm not joining the G8 Mod<span id='postcolor'>

then why have you put it in your signiture?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LordZach @ May 19 2002,11:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">no, but i don't know how to be dictator of cuba either, does that mean i have to kiss castro's ass?<span id='postcolor'>

eeeyyyyyy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

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how the hell do u have minus posts?

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lol, you guys are a strange lot. I just hooked up with that c-130 just for a laugh, and what the HELL is it with the 3d cafe? Can you give me any proof that it is in 3d cafe? I made the models in 3DS Max, and i've just imported them to GMAX to make them look better for the screenshots. Only the f-16 is entirely mine. I have worked with my class mates to make the other aircrafts. Oh, and i meant to say...i AM joining the G8 Mod, lol. You can see it in the team list. Indy (G8 Mod Leader) actually told me post some news on the official forum. I am trying my best on this model to get it in the game, so can you please give me a break.

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Ya people, leave him alone finally. What's the point.

He's making 3D models not stealing top secret documents.

I'm sure he is not lying.

And even if you think he lied about a model, is it your model he ripped off, if not then you can't really be sure it is ripped off now can you? Either way, these are mods for a game, no copyrights!


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okay im not going to say anymore of it. Well, there is one last thing..

Why on earth would you create a model in 3dsmax and then import it into GMAX to "make them look better for your screenshots" when there are no rendering options in GMAX? confused.gif

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