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FireFight with no casualties???

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As part of a MPmission I am making one of the tasks the players must do is go and help a SF group that is pinned in a small building by advancing enemy groups.

What I need is to have all the units placed in the editor and to fire at eachother so that when the players arrive to firefight is already taking place..... Now the problem with this is that depending on how long the players tkae to find the site either the SF group or the opfor will probably all be dead so I need something that will let the firefight take place but take no casualties untill a trigger is fired when the players enter the area then everything can go back to normal....

Any ideas>?

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this allowDamage false in the init line of a unit will make him not be able to die if you wan't that

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yeah put an area trigger down and group it to the player, and put in the on activation

unit allowDamage false; unit2 allowDamage false; unit3 allowDamage false

And repeat for every soldier that has "this allowDamage true" in their init box.

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You could then run into another problem. If the player(s) take too long to get there, the AI units may have run out of ammunition. (Firing at invincible enemies).

Check out the addMagazine command if this is the case.

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You could then run into another problem. If the player(s) take too long to get there, the AI units may have run out of ammunition. (Firing at invincible enemies).

Check out the addMagazine command if this is the case.

This is not a problem :) Here is script for unlimited ammo :)

Works fine on rifles, pistols, AT-launchers for any soldiers.


_unit = [color="Blue"]_this[/color] [color="Red"]select[/color] 0;
[color="Blue"]While[/color] {[color="Red"]alive[/color] _unit} do {
[color="Red"]waitUntil [/color]{(_unit [color="Red"]ammo[/color] (currentWeapon _unit))==0};
_weapon = [color="Red"]currentWeapon[/color] _unit;
_magazines = [color="Red"]getArray[/color] (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "magazines");
_magazine = (_magazines [color="Red"]select[/color] 0);
_unit [color="Red"]addMagazine[/color] _magazine;
[color="Red"]waitUntil[/color] {(_unit ammo ([color="Red"]currentWeapon[/color] _unit))>0};

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easiest way is

set trigger to anybody present

{_x allowdamage false} foreach thislist

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this addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}]

that is a simple eventhandler way to give unlimited ammo, but AI won't reaload or anything they will be constantly topped up.

Also make sure you set the allowDamage false trigger at the right area, because if a player could sit just outside the trigger and see the Opfor AI then that would cause a problem, start shooting and they wouldn't die.

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that is a simple eventhandler way to give unlimited ammo, but AI won't reaload or anything they will be constantly topped up.

Also make sure you set the allowDamage false trigger at the right area, because if a player could sit just outside the trigger and see the Opfor AI then that would cause a problem, start shooting and they wouldn't die.

Is it possible to use this command, and making the soldier reaload?

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probably, if there is a way to detect when someone reloads you could just use setVehicleAmmo 1, otherwise check out DAP's script.

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add a magazine everytime it is 0 bullets left:

// execute with this in unit init line:
// _null = [this,"start"] execVM "addmag.sqf";

_unit = _this select 0;

if ("start" in _this) then {
_unit addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this execVM "addmag.sqf"}];
} else {
_weapon = _this select 1;
_magazine = _this select 5;
if((_unit ammo _weapon) == 0) then {
       waitUntil {(_unit ammo _weapon) != 0};
	_unit addMagazine _magazine;

changed it to wait until reloaded, but if unit only has 1 magazine it will not get more.

this if unit uses AT / AA weapons and only has 1 round, remove waituntil line to make it work with only 1 magazine in inventory, but this may cause issues with full inventory, but i think it will work fine, since you can "overload" inventory as much as you want.

Edited by Demonized
added waitUntil to counter full inventory

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