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Chinook Exits

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Not while it's flying.

So you wouldn't be able to jump out a low very slow flying or hovering chinook? If they let you spawn inside a chopper you should be able to walk in it aswell. Because else your going to get wierd situations.

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AFAIK you can't use the "get out" option if the helicopter isn't low to the ground and almost completely stopped. "Get Out" and "Eject" are different things I believe.

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yeah thats right, eject should obviously stay the same but get out with internal exit point i think would be vaiable, AI will only have 1 way to go thats out the ramp, i guess we wouldnt know until BI devs tried it or someone modded the exit point on the chinook to see if it could work.

I mean take your sig Boose, Chinooks are renowned for that type of troop insersion, now imagine trying that in game now, it would result in a big Oh Noes! as you fell out the front of the chopper :)

Edited by Bigpickle

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I don't think it's a trouble about how AI would enter. If I recall correctly for AAW the AI just move to the back door and you see the animation for them entering a seat, it's only the players that must walk inside to enter the back. That is, if I remember correctly.

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There's always this, the entrances/ exits are WAY behind the helicopter due to it bugging out when ejecting from the inside. It was SUPPOSED to be fixed a while ago, but I haven't heard anything from the author in a long while on any updates. So if permission was gotten, it would be theoretically possible.


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